5 Guaranteed Ways A Career Breakthrough Can Make Your Life Better

5 Guaranteed Ways A Career Breakthrough Can Make Your Life Better

Have you ever wondered “why” despite all the efforts and hard work, you don’t get the career breakthrough you want?

Have you ever thought that you are doing all the “right” things yet unable to reach the next level of success in your career?

If so, know that you are not alone. Almost 87% of working professionals are in the same situation and feel the same way. And, I too was no different until 26 months ago.

In the month of November 2019, I decided to take a pause and understand why it happens.

Over the past 26 months, I’m on a journey to self-discovery, and here’s what I discovered - there are definite reasons why this happens – it’s not just a random occurrence or coincidence.?

There are clear signs when our approach to our life, to our situation, and to other people repel joy and success instead of attracting it, and also when our mindset and behavior keep us playing far smaller than our conscious desires.

You might be wondering “why self-discovery?”. Well, the simple answer is - over 20 years I kept searching for the answers in the outer world, just to learn that I was searching in the wrong place. If the answers already existed in the outer world, chances are that I could have found them way back.

Now, let’s quickly understand what is a “Career Breakthrough” and “why” you should bother?

What Is A Career Breakthrough?:

In general terms, a breakthrough is overcoming challenges and having an achievement.

A career breakthrough is when you find a method of doing things professionally that astonishingly accelerates your ability to accomplish your career goals.

Your success in achieving an ultimate career breakthrough will depend on your ability to culminate in gaining self-willpower, setting firm resolutions, and making a commitment to conquer your weakness and bad habits.

Why should you bother about your Career Breakthrough?:

Can you imagine yourself consistently working hard and putting in honest efforts for years, and yet not being able to achieve the desired success??How would you feel? What would you think? What would be your self-talk? what would be your actions? And what would be your outcomes?

If you are like me, you don’t want your results to be against your desired success… you don’t want to feel sad, unhappy, & bad… you don’t want to think negatively… you don’t want your self-talk to be negative, right or right?

When your results are not as per your expectations, you get into self-doubt and sabotage yourself. And therefore, it becomes very crucial that you take stock of your current situation and work towards that desired career breakthrough that can make your life better.

5 Guaranteed Ways For Career Breakthrough:

1. Know thyself:?

First thing first - know thyself. You must understand that you cannot have a happy, fulfilling, and rewarding career unless you know who you are, and honor that every day in your thoughts, feelings, and actions.

After going through the grind over the last 26 months in self-discovery, I realized that when I was struggling in my career for 20 plus years, I didn’t understand that the negative, unhappy experiences I continually encountered were occurring not because I wasn’t “good” or “competent” enough, but because I was trying to do and achieve something that, in the end, didn’t align with my beliefs and values.

When your focus is on endeavors that, in your heart and soul, you don’t believe in, you will never be able to create sustainable happiness or success. The key is to understand yourself deeply - what are your core values, what are your beliefs, and then take steps to honor them.

2. Accept, embrace, and learn:

A large number of professionals make this common mistake - instead of accepting, embracing, and learning they resist what’s happening. The primary reason behind this is we associate our feelings with what we think “should be” in our career. For instance, “I deserved that promotion”, “I should have gotten it”, “I should have landed that job offer”, etc.

When you associate your feelings with what you think your life has to look like, you end up closing yourselves off to embracing what’s happening as a lens into what you really want. To simply put it, when you don’t land any of the jobs you think you deserved, you need to look at if you really wanted them in the first place. If so, you need to determine in a brutally honest way if you truly have the qualifications, attitude, background, and credentials that employers are looking for. If not, do something about it.

3. Change your course of actions:

When you are doing all the things right and yet not getting the desired outcome, the answer is pretty much straightforward - you’re doing what you think is right, but if you’re not achieving the outcomes you want, a bold, different type of thinking and action is required.

“If You Always Do What You’ve Always Done, You’ll Always Get What You’ve Always Got.” - Henry Ford

“If you want to change the fruits, you will first have to change the roots.” - T Harv Eker

For example, if you want that leadership role in your organization, don’t wait for it to come to you. Instead, take action - see how your company and leaders perceive you, and if there are any gaps that you need to close; do more leadership work NOW and demonstrate how valuable you are; volunteer to lead a new project; step up your game and do something that demonstrates your leadership talent.

In case you want to launch a successful business, do the groundwork to build a solid foundation; plan finances, marketing, and communications in advance; research the competition exhaustively, and know what you’re up against and how you stand apart; know how you’ll fund it, plan your growth; analyze and vet your business idea; know how to articulate your competitive edge and share that with everyone you meet,?

In short, change your course of action now to get the breakthrough you want.

4. Release your subconscious blocks:

Believe it or not, your subconscious beliefs and mindsets erect impassable roadblocks to what you consciously think you want. Most of us have experienced some or other form of emotional trauma in our childhood that blocks our ability to think, believe, and build bigger success, create massive wealth, step out into the spotlight, become more visible and recognized, speak up for ourselves powerfully, and say “NO” to what we don’t want.

Find a way to tap into your subconscious beliefs and mindsets and revise all of those beliefs and fears that are holding you back. You can advance or create the breakthrough you think you want more confidently.

5. Practice gratitude and happiness:

Since childhood, we have been programmed to believe that if we work hard we will be more successful, and if we are more successful, then we’ll be happy. Over a period of time, we believe “If I can just find that great job, or win that next promotion, or succeed in business, then I’ll be happy.”

The truth is happiness fuels success, not the other way around. When you are positive, your brain becomes more engaged, creative, motivated, energetic, resilient, and productive at work.

Therefore, you need to take steps to reprogram your brain to become more positive today, in order to gain a competitive edge at work and create more success, happiness, and rewards in your career. And this can be done by practicing gratitude and happiness.

When I started following this path, I started seeing visible differences in my professional as well as personal life. Today, I’m very much aware of my inner self and have accepted myself for who I am. Today, the motivations behind my career aspirations are more inspiring than ever before. And I am more confident in achieving my goals.?

Today, I am on a mission to empower 100,000 working professionals to build a most rewarding and fulfilling career doing what they truly love, thereby achieving all financial, professional, and personal life goals.

If you are looking to get a breakthrough in your career to create more happiness and success in your professional life and need help to get started or are feeling overwhelmed or need someone to work on your goals, comment below. I would like to invite you to join Break-Free Lifestyle Mastermind - my private group on here on LinkedIn where I’m building a tribe of like-minded working professionals to help each other and grow together.

Stop waiting for your outer world to change, and begin today to take empowered action to bring about the changes you long for most.


