#5 The Good, Bad & Ugly of Regrets at Work
Shiao-yin Kuik
Closing Culture Gaps so your Strategies can Live. ?? Diagnose your org's gaps between current vs. preferred behaviours. Develop ways forward. Get trained/coached in change leadership. ?? 20+ years in change work.
…you’re in the Good, Bad & Ugly of regrets at work.
THINK // 3 insights from the field
?? THE GOOD THING about regrets is as long as you are an imperfect human being with imperfect behaviour, you will have them.
Regret is a common humbling experience. If you are able to confess your regrets, you are admitting to your imperfection and displaying a capacity for humility.
Regret is not fun to feel but it is useful. It's the emotion whose job is to kick us in the ass to remind us: “You messed up and you got some reflection to do, kid.”
Regret is necessary for us to do 3 important things that lead to our growth and learning:
Regrets are always centred on past choices we made that led to unhappy consequences. We acknowledge we had agency, control and responsibility - and we did not wield it well.
If we are willing to acknowledge our regrets, admit where we fell short, we have more ability to do better in the future. We aren’t running away from our mistakes. We are willing to humble ourselves to learn, grow and write a better next chapter in the book of our lives.
?? THE BAD THING about regret is it feels awful and vulnerable to admit to ourselves - let alone others - that we mucked up.
So many of us prefer to silence our regrets, pretend they don't exist or hide them behind some proud, bravado statement like "I live my life with no regrets"
“No regrets” is a snappy T-shirt slogan and an awesome French torch song but it’s a potentially harmful life motto.?
Saying "I choose to live my life without regrets" is essentially the same as saying "I choose to live my life without reflection - I don't look back and I am proud of it.
In Daniel Pink’s World Regret Survey, he discovered 4 big themes that our regrets centre on across the world:
Foundation regrets: I should have started doing this way earlier - it would have made a huge difference.
Moral regrets: I should have done the right thing but I did the wrong, cowardly and hurtful thing instead.
Boldness regrets: I should have done the braver thing instead of cave into my fears.
Connection regrets: I should have reached out to this person.
?? THE UGLY THING about regret is it can feel so deeply shameful to admit we have them that we might choose to exhibit some really ugly behaviours to get away from that hard truth.
Some of us will rather deflect, deny, bluster, stone-wall, strong-arm, bully or lie our way through anyone’s attempt to get us to acknowledge and reflect on what we did wrong.
The ugly news for us is this: those who never look back to learn from their past are fated to repeat the cycle of their patterns in the future, to ever worsening degrees.
Certainly, there will always be individuals and organisations who never seem to have regrets about their terrible ways and yet seem to continue being richly rewarded for it.
But the past has a way of slowly but surely catching up in a sudden and explosive way.
A company who covers up their growing pile of mistakes with bluster, bullying and an arrogant "no regrets" attitude will eventually collapse like a house of cards. A predatory, narcissistic leader who never looks back with regret at the trail of wreckage and dead bodies he leaves behind will eventually see their life implode in catastrophe.
Never ever place your bets on someone who does questionable things and seems proud about having no regrets or reluctant to admit even one shred of regret.
There will always be a day of reckoning. We cannot tell when the day is - but it arrives, sometimes decades later.
FEEL // 2 links to help you feel less alone
DO // 1 actionable strategy to try in the week
??? NOTICE how you feel when you do something even mildly regrettable - like saying something unnecessarily mean, telling a tiny lie when you value honesty, not daring to give feedback to someone about things that matter to you etc.
? Unsupportive expression of regret
? Supportive expression of regret
? Unsupportive expression of regret
? Supportive expression of regret
?? REFLECT You can also consider Daniel Pink's suggestion of doing a weekly “regrets” journalling check-in, framed after his 4 big regrets.
You can make it monthly or quarterly if that works better. Pink suggests weekly so you can catch the regretful things as soon as possible so the chances of early repair are higher.
You can also turn the regrets into an actionable:
If you want to shift the personal dynamics, professional situations or organisational cultures around you, I would love to help you.
I help my organisational clients strategise how to change what's working/not working in their culture. I design interventions, train leaders & their people in necessary skills and facilitate necessary conversations on their behalf. You can also look up our public training offerings at Common Ground Civic Centre such as this one:
Have a worthy weekend, workplace warriors.
Leading organisational cultural change is a good and meaningful thing. But it can be a battlefield through some bad things and ugly things. I'm here for you in the trenches.
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Meanwhile, get some rest this weekend.
I'll see you next Friday,
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Wishing you love, power & meaning,