5 Golden Pieces of Advice That Will Make 2024 Your Best Year Yet!
Will 2024 be your best year yet?
It's quite simple. It's up to you. But that doesn't mean it's entirely up to you. What's outside can help you make it happen, or make it worse.?
Good news
You've probably had some amazing years in your life. You've probably had some less-amazing years in your life. Good news is that this could be your best year yet (I truly mean it, actually, I KNOW it's possible).?
Bad news?
This year won't get better unless YOU make it better. But how to make it better? By changing and?improving?little parts of yourself, your decisions, your environment?and your actions in the "right" direction, little by little.?
“You can't change the fruit without changing the root.” - Stephen R. Covey
I believe the main reason we read books, consume content, talk with other people, is in big part in the hope that an idea, sentence, piece of information will strike us and inspire us to make a change in our lives for the better. Otherwise why would we spend all that time reading, watching, listening? For pure entertainment or to make time pass by?? So here are 5 ideas from 5 people that I hope will strike, make that spark in your mind or soul and inspire some action to make your life better this year.?
Stay Young and NEVER Stop Learning.
Be a student of yourself and of life, for life.?
"Anyone who stops learning is old, whether at 20 or 80. Anyone who keeps learning stays young. The greatest thing in life is to keep your mind young."??- Henry Ford
Today's default mode of our life's trajectory that has been designed is: go to school for 10-15 years, learn a bunch of things you won't remember 1 hour after the exam, and then become an adult, get a job and do adult things. In this formula there is no mention or plan of continuous learning and growing throughout our life. Don't fall in that trap.? Keep on learning, expanding your views, ideas and opinions, getting to know yourself and the world around you better. Not only the process is fun and beneficial, but also it makes life so much more interesting. You become excited to learn, to grow. There is no final exam or grades. The exam is life, everyday.?And it's fun and challenging, not stressful like school exams...
Who's On Your Team?!
No need to repeat what you already know: you are the average of the 5 people you spend the most time with. As you step to the next level of your life, as you make improvements, it's important that there are some people around you not only that support you in your growth, but also that show you the way.?
“Your life is in direct correlation and reflection of the expectations of your pear groups” - Tony Robbins
If you've been playing?tennis for fun your whole life, once every 2 weeks, and now you decide you want to enter an amateur competition (or even go pro!), who will you play with? The same people you've been playing so far? Or you will find new opponents / tennis partners, that are better than you, that will not only challenge you to step up your game but also show and teach you skills of that next level you're trying to reach?? Bottom line: you don't play with someone worse than you expecting to get better.?
What Are Your Targets You're Aiming At?
We think what's stopping us from reaching all of our goals are lack of time, money, motivation, knowledge, support. And probably many more reasons. But what's really stopping us is the smaller goals on the way to our big goal.?
"We are kept from our goal, not by obstacles, but by a clear path to a lesser goal" - Robert Brault.?
If you want to loose 30 pounds, you might think this is the goal. And that's it. And when after 3 weeks of strict diet and going to the gym 3 times a week you don't see much results, you get discouraged and drop. But look how that goal can be broken down to smaller goals:?
These are not just "ways to get to the end goal" or "nice to haves", these are goals on their own. Smaller goals, that will get us to the bigger goal. Have big goals by all means, but figure out your smaller goals, how to reach them and focus daily on these.?
What Kind Of Soil Are You Using?
As powerful your mind is, as strong your motivation and ambition is, as clear your goals are, it's going to be very hard if you're not in the right environment.?
"The most important decision people will ever make is if they live in a hostile or friendly environment." - Albert Einstein?
This environment is as much physical as mental. Yes, a clean desk helps focus on your work, but a turbulent mind on a clean desk will still be unfocused.? Make sure your physical AND mental spaces are as clean and calm as possible. You can put oak tree seed in the best soil, water it with the perfect amount, but if it's in a small basil pot, it won't grow to it's full potential.?
Lights, Camera, Action! Screw it, Just Action!
Stop waiting for the perfect time. The time is NOW!
“A good plan, violently executed now, is better than a perfect plan next week.” -?George Patton
There will always be something getting in the way. There will always be more information you could know to do something better. But the more you wait, the more you know (maybe), yet the less you've done and experienced and moved from your curent position.? Do a first step TODAY. Even if it's in the wrong direction. At least you'll be in motion and have momentum to stair the ship in another direction.?
I hope some (if not all) of these ideas stroke a cord in you and will inspire you to take your life to the next stage and make 2024 the best year yet!
Yours truly,
Jakub the Funky Warrior?