5 Gold & Silver Books
George Glumac
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You know the old adage. If you want to uncover the crimes and discover the truth, follow the money. The books I review below are a refreshing commentary on modern times, without the hype and bias of journalism, and marked by common sense, clear thinking, a historical point of view, real data and meaningful analysis.
As I have been writing about for the past year, we are in the midst of a growing financial crisis which is going to get much worse.
I will outline the evidence for my argument, then supplement it with gleanings from these 5 great books.
The Books
Guide to Investing in Gold & Silver, Michael Maloney, 2015
The Golden Revolution, Revisited (How to Prepare for the Remonetization of Gold) - John Butler, 2017
Gold Matters, Real Solutions to Surreal Risks - Egon von Greyers and Matthew Piepenburg, 2021
The Great Silver Bull (Crush Inflation and Profit as the Dollar Dies), Peter Krauth, 2022
The Great Gold & Silver Rush of the 21st Century, Mike Maloney, 2022
Other notable names in gold and silver, worth listening to and carefully following, are Rick Rule, Peter Schiff, Andy Schectman and Rafi Farber.
As Mark Twain wrote, “It’s not what you don’t know that‘s the problem. It’s what you know that just ain’t so.”
The best predictor of the future is the past, and history does repeat itself, so all these writers provide a historical analysis which is very consistent and therefore compelling.
Mike Maloney has written the first and last of these 5 books. He is the founder of GoldSilver.com which is a huge online broker and operates a network of international depositories.
He highlights that currency is not money. The only real money is gold and silver which have proven and provided value for 5000 years.
Currency is a medium to transfer value from one asset class to another.
It is not a store of value.?
Monetary cycles of fiat money creation with asset class inflation from boom to bust include the greed-driven tulip mania of 1637, John Law’as ever-inflating currency supply in France in 1716, the pre-Nazi Weimar Republic from 1919-1923 when a pair of shoes cost 30 trillion marks, the birth of the Fed in 1914, Nixon taking the U.S. off the gold standard in 1971 to pay for the VietNam war with printed paper which created the credit culture, and the collapse of Lehmann Brothers in 2008.
World governments and central banks continue to inflate the currency supply and currency continues to lose value. The world banks have also been manipulating and depressing the real price of gold in order to hide what they are doing.
In John Butler’s foreword, Steve Baker wrote, “Sooner or later this system will blow up, taking with it deficit spending and other promises [like Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security], which simply cannot be kept.” This truth is in the mathematics and is unavoidable. We are in the deepest global recession since W.W. II and the global financial system is on the edge of collapse.
Butler confuses currency with money on page xx of the introduction, but he nails the argument on page xxii - “A return to gold is not only inevitable but imminent.”
JP Morgan wrote, “Money is gold and nothing else.”
He reviews the history of economics and the value of diversification.
Peter Krauth focuses on the more volatile asset silver which also is ideal money because it is durable, divisible, convenient, consistent, has intrinsic value, can’t be printed, is indestructible, has no counterparty risk, is private, liquid, can’t be hacked and holds its value.
He quotes Keynes: “There is no subtler, no surer means of overturning the existing basis of society than to debauch the currency.”
In terms of geopolitical craziness, William James wrote. “There is nothing so absurd that it cannot be believed as truth if repeated often enough.”
Krauth contends that “Silver outperforms gold in bull markets.”
Von Greryerz and Piepenburg are the principals of Matterhorn Asset Management and also manage a private Swiss gold vault for investors.
They have impeccable credentials.
Their writing is a bit racier than the other authors' but detailed, analytical and persuasive.
We enjoy a historical analysis, a financial and economic risk analysis including bitcoin, and the inevitable return to gold as the money standard.
My suggestion is not to believe governments and banks that tell you your money is safe, understand what is really going on, and plan accordingly.
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George Glumac
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705-351-1238 (Canada)