5 Fruits that are Healthy for Your Teeth

5 Fruits that are Healthy for Your Teeth

It’s not just about avoiding sweets and soda that will help maintain your dental health. You can also keep your mouth healthy when selecting your next batch of fruits at the grocery store. Keep this list handy to help you when it comes to making choices that will contribute to maintaining your oral health–and ultimately your overall health.

1. Apples (and Pears)

Fruits that are firm or crunchy also have a high water content that helps dilute the effects of the fruit’s sugars when it is consumed. Eating apples, pears or other firm fruits help stimulate the flow of saliva in your mouth, which washes away food particles and protects against decay. As your body’s first line of defense, saliva helps neutralize any acidic foods that can be harmful to your teeth.

2. Oranges

Many times, citrus fruits, which are acidic foods, get a bad rap for being harmful to your teeth. However, citrus fruits strengthen the blood vessels and connective tissue of your gums. Vitamin C found in citrus fruits help reduce inflammation that can help prevent or slow the progression of gingivitis. Since citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits and lemons are highly acidic, eat them as part of a larger meal to minimize the detrimental effects of acid on your teeth.

3. Strawberries

Similar to citrus fruits high in vitamin C, strawberries also boast plenty of vitamin C that contributes to collagen production. This ultimately helps maintain healthy, strong gums. Strawberries also contain malic acid, a natural enamel whitener.

4. Cranberries

Raw cranberries contain polyphenols, compounds that kill or suppress bacteria that can lead to plaque, cavities or gum disease. Polyphenols are also found in green and black teas.

5. Bananas

High in potassium, bananas also contain loads of magnesium, an essential mineral for the formation of tooth enamel.

Fruits, though healthy, are still high in sugars that can linger in your mouth, which can contribute to bacteria build-up. Remember that with any snacks or meals, you should rinse your mouth with water if you can’t get to brushing your teeth after eating.


