5 Factors to Consider before buying a Metal Shearing Machine

5 Factors to Consider before buying a Metal Shearing Machine

Are you planning to buy a shearing machine? Are you aware of all the things you need to consider before the machine? As an organization with years of expertise in the field, we have prepared for you a list of things to think about before you buy a metal shearing machine.

Purchasing a machine to shear and shape sheet metal can be a significant investment for your company, but because these equipment are costly, it's critical to weigh your options.?

The sort of machine you require depends on your needs, as most are evaluated based on their ability to cut through various metal thicknesses, material quality, and appropriateness. Consider these factors before buying a shearing machine:

1. Metal:

Sheet metal comes in a variety of forms and sizes, but the thickness, kind, and consistency are more essential than the length and width.?

Sheet metal may always be broken down into smaller pieces. A larger metal shearing machine is desirable, but not necessary, if you want to lower the overall time it takes to cut sheet metal.

If you're shearing thin gauge metals or light aluminium, an air or electrically operated shear may suffice, but if you 're shearing ? plate with plasma cut slots, a superior mechanical shear may be required for impact absorption.

Tread Plate, Expanded Metals, Perforated Metals, and other materials that shear differently than flat material of equal make are all crucial to consider.

2. Quantity of sheared parts:

The number of components you need to shear is almost as crucial as the material you're working with. While a basic and inexpensive machine would serve low-volume, intermittent use, a more advanced or sturdy machine would be necessary for steel service centre manufacturing.

Not only do the machines come in a variety of styles, but they may also be customised with a variety of features, such as conveyor/stackers that transport the sheared metal to a stack on a pallet for rapid removal. High-speed hydraulics or more precise front gauging are two other alternatives.

3. Design:

The Guillotine style and the Swing Beam style are the two major design kinds of shears on the market. In a shear, a guillotine design refers to the upper blade being driven directly downward by the driving system, while a swing beam pivots the upper blade and uses momentum to force it down.

Because of the advantage of leverage it employs in the design, the Guillotine style provides a more robust, but more costly shearing mechanism, whilst the Swing Beam type uses fewer drive components.

4. Rake Angle:

The upper blade's angle is referred to as the rake angle. A lower angle produces a better shearing edge and necessitates more force to shear. The optimal rake angle is zero degrees, however that would be too costly for the shear machine. Adjustable rakes employ smaller shears and lengthen the production process, whereas fixed rake angles stay in place throughout shearing.

5. Shearing system:

There are five different shearing systems to choose from. Each of these systems has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, and some might not even function with your selected material at all.


Lasts the longest, produces the most, and absorbs the most. Mechanical shears are quiet, quick, and easy to operate. They'll withstand a lot of wear and tear, and they'll probably last a long time.


Hydraulic presses or shears use a shearing blade and thick hydraulics with 14 gauge shears. They are less expensive than mechanical shears, but they do not cut as quickly.


Electricity, inertia, and force are used to drive the shears with electric equipment. Smooth, quick, and quiet, they can work down 12-14 gauge steels.


Air-operated shears combine manual shears with a pneumatic element to alleviate operator fatigue. They are typically used on 18 gauge or thinner gauges.


Manual shears, the earliest type of shearing equipment, work with 18 gauge or thinner metal and are a light machine utilised in most HVAC industries.

Get in touch with our efficiency experts today to get the best shearing machine for your factory. Check out our website: www.accurpress.in


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