5 Essential Tips for B2B Salespeople When Leaving Voicemails
The Daily Sales
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Cold calling is an integral part of the B2B sales process, and leaving voicemails is often a crucial step in reaching potential prospects.
However, with busy schedules and increased reliance on digital communication, getting your voicemail noticed and compelling prospects to return your call can be challenging.
In this article, we will discuss five essential tips for B2B salespeople when leaving voicemails, along with three example scripts and some insightful statistics around voicemails in sales.
1) Be Prepared and Purposeful
Effective voicemails begin with thorough preparation and a clear purpose. Before making a call, research the prospect and their organization to understand their pain points, industry trends, and potential opportunities for collaboration. Having a well-defined purpose for your call allows you to craft a compelling voicemail tailored to the prospect's needs.
Example Script 1:
"Hello [Prospect's Name], my name is [Your Name], and I'm reaching out from [Your Company]. I recently came across [relevant news/article/industry insight] and wanted to discuss how it could impact [prospect's company or industry]. We've been helping similar organizations [specific value proposition or benefit]. I would appreciate the opportunity to connect and explore how we can assist you in [achieving specific goals]. Please call me back at [your phone number]. Thank you, and I look forward to speaking with you soon."
2) Keep it Short and Engaging
Time is a precious commodity, so it's important to respect your prospects' time by keeping your voicemail concise and engaging. According to research, the optimal length for a voicemail is between 20 and 30 seconds. Craft a compelling hook within the first few seconds to capture their attention and entice them to continue listening.
Example Script 2:
"Hi [Prospect's Name], this is [Your Name] calling from [Your Company]. I wanted to share an exciting opportunity that can help [prospect's company] overcome [specific challenge]. We've recently developed a groundbreaking solution that has helped companies in your industry achieve [impressive result or ROI]. I believe it could have a significant impact on your organization as well. If you're interested in learning more, please give me a call back at [your phone number]. I look forward to connecting with you."
3) Personalize and Show Empathy
Generic voicemails can easily be dismissed as impersonal and irrelevant. To stand out, personalize your message by referencing specific details about the prospect's company, recent news, or industry challenges. Demonstrate empathy by showing an understanding of their pain points and offering a potential solution that addresses their specific needs.
Example Script 3:
"Hello [Prospect's Name], my name is [Your Name], and I'm with [Your Company]. I recently read an article about the challenges your industry is facing with [specific challenge]. It struck a chord because we've been helping companies like yours navigate through similar hurdles. I wanted to discuss how our expertise and [unique solution or approach] could support your organization in overcoming these challenges. I'd love to chat further at your convenience. You can reach me at [your phone number]. Looking forward to speaking with you soon."
4) Provide a Clear Call to Action
Make it easy for prospects to take the next step by providing a clear call to action. Instead of leaving an open-ended voicemail, direct them towards a specific action, such as scheduling a meeting, participating in a demo, or exploring a valuable resource. By guiding their next move, you increase the likelihood of receiving a response.
5) Follow Up Strategically
Persistence is key in B2B sales, so don't be discouraged if you don't receive an immediate response. Plan a strategic follow-up process that includes multiple attempts to reach the prospect. Leave voicemails at different times of the day and on different days of the week to increase your chances of getting through. Be patient and persistent while maintaining a professional and friendly tone throughout the follow-up process.
Voicemail Statistics in Sales:
- According to a study by RingDNA, it takes an average of 8 attempts to reach a prospect via phone.
- The ideal time to leave a voicemail is between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m., with the highest response rates during this period.
- Personalized voicemails have a 22% higher callback rate compared to generic ones.
- Voicemails that mention a referral have a callback rate of 11% higher than those without.
Leaving effective voicemails during cold calls is a critical skill for B2B salespeople.
By following these five tips, being prepared, engaging, personalizing the message, providing clear calls to action, and strategically following up, you can significantly improve your chances of getting a response.
Remember to track and analyze your voicemail success rates to refine your approach continually. With persistence, creativity, and a customer-centric mindset, you'll increase your chances of converting prospects into valuable clients.
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1 å¹´Voicemails are great as long as these are not sermons, short in length and the prospect feels there is a human on the other end. ??
Cyber Security | Book Author | Mentor | Cross-Cultural Communication
1 å¹´Voice messages are extremely powerful. The purpose of a voice message is to let the customer know who you are and that you would like them to call you back. It is not about addressing problems or solutions or pitching anything!
YES - Voice messages are crucial and a MUST! However, there is a strong veto against the examples provided here. All of them pitch your product, and that is a major mistake. Data shows that 76% of all prospects do not listen to the sales pitch until the end and do not respond to customers who pitch via voice messages. Therefore, we have provided the following tips: https://www.dhirubhai.net/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7081172772583874560
Sales & Marketing - sales Consultant sales strategy & plan (B2B/B2C/B2G/B2B2C)
1 å¹´Great
Human capital expert who specializes in workforce efficiency
1 å¹´Never start with "hi Name. My name is...." That will get the 7 so fast.