5 Essential Qualities A Job Applicant Should Have
Swetha Bhatnagar
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Today, we’ll be talking about 5 key competencies one should have to increase their chances of employment in the modern labor market.
1. Knowing How To Sell Yourself: It’s The First Impression That Matters
We frequently ask ourselves: How does a recruitment officer know they should hire a candidate if they interviewed them for only 10 minutes? In fact, it takes us 3 to 5 seconds to figure out if the person sitting in front of us is the one we need.
And in those 5 seconds, we don’t even talk! We do not say what studies we have done or what experience we have. The smile, the look, the posture, the clothing, the smell, the way we say “Good morning” speak volumes about us.
Knowing how to sell yourself is an art itself. We should start with a careful self-analysis and then come up with a way to present ourselves in the most positive light to our interlocutor. The classic and timeless advice — take a shower before the interview and put on clean clothes.
Some applicants consider it irrelevant, and yet the consequences of a missed shower can be quite disastrous. You should pick your clean clothes according to the position you are applying for. Putting on a jacket and tie may not be the best choice if you apply for a warehouse worker vacancy.
However, it’s a must if you’re going to have an interview with a multinational company where everyone is always elegant and flawless. Also, here’s an assignment for you: take care of your social accounts on Facebook, Linkedin, and Instagram. In the digital age, they’re our business cards.
Pay attention to the photos we publish: over 40% of employers check their candidate’s Facebook profile during CV screening.
2. Motivation And Proactivity
The first thing that companies are looking forward to seeing in candidates is not their degree or age. It’s their motivation. Companies love passionate and proactive candidates. They also want them to invest in themselves and their skills. Why?
Because these are the exact qualities that all their employees should have. Simply saying, “I am motivated” is not enough. You should project the things you’re talking about. Frequently, candidates’ motivation and proactivity are detectable even before the interview.
Being able to answer a question quickly, let your interviewer know that you visited their site and did some research. Talk about your future work with passion speaks volumes about you.
3. Competence And Professionalism
Passion for one’s work, curiosity, desire to learn, and continuous improvement of oneself are collectively known as professionalism. Professionalism is not only the ability to manage one’s activity competently and efficiently. It depends on the ethical and personal qualities of the applicant.
- Integrity
- Credibility
- Reliability
- Sense of responsibility
- Knowing how to keep commitments
- Aspiring to trust relationships with customers
- Striving for excellence
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