5 Essential People Skills You Need To Succeed
Do you communicate with people and connect to them personally and professionally?
Or are you book smart or people smart?
Do you maintain your authenticity in public?
Today I was searching about #socialskills on youtube on how you can become confident, memorable, and authentic while interacting with people in events, clubs, or meetups.
So as always I came across my favorite Vanessa Van Edwards 's video on 10 essential people skills you need to succeed.
People skills aka soft skills or interpersonal skills or social skills whatever you call are the most important and under-appreciated skills you need in your career to grow.
So in this article, I am going to share 5 people skills that you need to become memorable and confident in public.?
1.? Social Assertiveness
Do you stand up for yourself in social situations??
Do you express your thoughts and feelings in appropriate ways??
We have a limited amount of energy to spend daily. If you are socially assertive you can save and spend your energy in the right ways and,
if you lack Social assertiveness?You will be distracted and get into awkward situations and eventually, you will waste your energy.
Those who are high socially assertive?
Those who lack social assertiveness
2.? Craft A Memorable Presence?
Are you memorable?
Do people remember your name after meeting you?
Do you make a strong first impression?
People with a great presence are good at making lasting connections.
Your presence with people has a direct relationship with building personal connections.
If you have a strong presence people get attracted to you and want to work with you.
People with low presence?
People with a memorable presence?
3. Be A Master Communicator
Do you like to talk in public??
Do you express your ideas??
Master communicators know how to express their ideas to a large group.
Poor communicators?
Master communicators excel at
4. Overcome Social Anxiety?
Do you feel socially anxious?
Everyone feels anxious at some point in social situations
Can you overcome social anxiety and sustain lasting confidence?
Some people are so good at this and have conquered this either by getting into these situations a lot of times or they might have an internal strategy to overcome the situation.?
People have high social anxiety?
People who excel at sustaining confidence?
And last but not least my favorite…
5. Be Charismatic?
Most people think they have to be born charismatic?
This is so not true…
Charisma is a blend of two things
Work + Competence
Those who are charismatic are
People who are not charismatic are seen as
So these are the 5 essential people skills you need and the best part about these is they all can be learned.
Remember it’s a SKILL?
You just need to practice it whenever you get a chance.
If you find this helpful then do like and tell me in the comments which skill you think you need to work on??