5 Emerging Technologies That Will Change How We See Things
As a business leader, tech expert, or just your average person, it is imperative that you prepare for the technological upheaval that is happening in the years ahead. Keeping up-to-date with new technology and understanding the intricacies of such a shift takes a lot of forecasts and information. Organizations need to comprehend the enormity and complexity of such technology that will surely disrupt how we do things and forever change how we see things altogether. The impact of such a technological update on our society will change the way of the world slowly but surely. We have compiled a list of tech that is here and ready to stay. Don’t lag behind and think along the lines of new age phenomena so you don’t miss out on the cultural and social trends that are sure to follow us with the advent of such powerful technologies.
Artificial Intelligence
Artificial Intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence through machine learning which can equal human programming and maybe even surpass it one day. We’re already open to the idea of AI replacing human tasks as automation is the next natural step in the industrial revolution. But are we ready to have AI-powered systems that think bigger and act faster?? We are seeing the use of SPAM filters, Google Maps, and virtual assistants like Siri take over and can strongly expect more diversification to come with self-driving cars, virtual tutors, and textbooks. In a few short years, AI will expand into more than just narrow task-oriented tech and improve the processes and designs of major businesses and organizations. The level of sophistication in AI depends on the type of AI being used with high-level AI being used for complex human-centric tasks like medical diagnosis and AI-assisted robotic surgery. That is some next-level coolness.
The Internet of Things (IoT)
With the increased use of 5G internet, we will have even faster networks and connections with more reliable signals. This kind of wireless technology will provide the backbone for the Internet of things (IoT) which will ultimately expand the power of the Internet beyond computers and across a wide range of devices. Through this futuristic technology, we can look forward to living in smart cities, and driving robot-driven cars on self-driving highways. Feel like you’re in a sci-fi movie yet? This keystone technology will combine recent trends and power them to the next level making them 10x more faster and efficient. Businesses can make the most of this expansion when remote offices become the cool new thing and real-time data sharing of live events will become seamless. The IoT will literally kill intermediate steps that affect productivity levels and essentially cut to the chase. Less time is wasted means more work can be done. No need for coffee when you’re tech does the work for you, literally.
The most exciting part of the crypto invasion was how it became functional through nodes of a computer network called a blockchain. A blockchain collects information in groups known as blocks that connect data on a chain. The difference between a database and a blockchain is that a database usually structures its data into chunks that are strung together. Unlike traditional centralized records, blockchain is decentralized and spread across the system making it hard to tamper with or lose records. This is because the goal of blockchain is to allow digital information to be recorded and distributed without being altered, making it super secure for crypto and NFT transactions. This kind of technology revolutionized the banking industry making it impossible for third-party interventions and hacking. These systems are also useful because the government can’t come and take your assets if you’re in a country that has bad governance nor can anyone accidentally erase all your important data. The potential use for this is enormous and has caught the attention of organizations that need store records such as the healthcare and real estate industry. Moreover, it could benefit the government by allowing a more secure online voting platform and helping businesses track logistics across international supply chains. The most notable however would be the use of blockchain in applications for cybersecurity because of its impenetrable nature.??
Virtual Reality?
The rise of technology has given us many gifts like the iPhone and Xbox but we haven't even experienced the tip of the iceberg yet. We are gearing towards a world where we can look and feel things without actually doing anything, thanks to virtual reality. Now that hardware costs are lowering and processing power is increasing, virtual reality is becoming more pervasive. High-profile players such as Google and Facebook are gearing up to release augmented reality apps and devices. Recently, Microsoft announced Mesh, a multi-player app that lets you connect, share and collaborate with others in an immersive way as if they were in person regardless of physical location.? The concept helps competitors capitalize on the new remote-work era where these mixed-reality technologies create virtually shared spaces where business can happen. Virtual Reality will also revolutionize the customer experience in retail where customers could try on clothes in their virtual avatar or sit on their furniture before making a purchase. Who knew that in 2022 we would have technology that let us interact in a computer-generated environment with scenes and objects that feel real as day? Feels like all the sci-fi novels and movies were right about this one. In what we call the “Metaverse”, we will have virtual simulations of real-life environments where we can interact with other people through avatars. It will be a network of 3D virtual worlds focused on social connection, business, and entertainment. So far we’ve seen concerts happening in the metaverse already. Sign me up!
AI helps robots mimic human behavior more closely, which is why they were created in the first place. Advancements in science and tech have made it possible for Robots to successfully replace the human workforce in many industries such as manufacturing and pharmaceuticals. From the first robot that punched the clock in 1962 to today’s Amazon Echo which controls all of your home devices, robotics have come a long way. We will see the trend continue in the future as people move into soft-skilled human-focused jobs and leave the technical stuff behind. In the manufacturing sector, for example, robots were given dangerous jobs which made the workplace a safer and happier place. We all know that robots can perform repetitive tasks flawlessly without having their performance slip due to boredom. Businesses have definitely taken advantage of this. Robotics can also help improve the speed and quality of the manufacturing process because robots do not get tired or distracted and because they work consistently the way they were programmed to. Robotics has also made it possible for complex microchips to be produced and used in mainstream operations. Isn’t that neat? In recent years, we have seen NASA explore space through the use of robotics as well as virtual assistants that follow our directions with the use of AI such as Alexa and Siri. Many companies also employ robots to stack warehouse shelves, retrieve goods, and even conduct short-range deliveries. So more importantly, we can now get our dinner in no time! Our universe is not the same as it used to be because of the innovations in such technologies.
Our world has been built on technology that we invented and advanced over a thousand years and we will only continue to advance further in the coming years. The rate of which things have changed for us in the last decade has been phenomenal, making our life from 60 years ago almost indistinguishable. Today, we may take technology for granted as we cannot take our phones down and keep expecting things to be faster and more efficient. Moving forward, we will see these technologies further evolve to meet the challenges of tomorrow and human beings will always want to explore what else technology can do and where it can take us- our survival has been dependent on it! While there are certainly many downsides to technology, keep an open mind when new technology is introduced. You won’t want to dismiss new tech that could be potentially beneficial to you or your business. If you want to learn more about emerging tech, you can find us on Twitter and LinkedIn. We at Parsec, are a group of thinkers and dreamers, ready to tackle the next challenges of the tech revolution. Join us and be a part of something great!?