5 easy ways on how to improve your home page

5 easy ways on how to improve your home page

Unfortunately, this is our last LinkedIn newsletter for now. Scroll to the bottom of this article for more details.

“What does my company do?” - A question everyone should immediately be able to answer when looking at your website.

Ask your parents, siblings, neighbours, friends, or a stranger on the street if needed. If they don’t know what is happening on your website in 5 seconds, it's time for you to change something!

So what can you do? The answer is: specify.

Do: Write concise headings

The heading is what your visitors see first, so make it count! Be specific and describe briefly what is going to be talked about in-depth in the following chapters. Try to make it as engaging as possible and create demand. Overall, a clear heading is better than a clever one.

Do: Use relevant images

This is the second element your visitor sees and it should be connected to the heading(s) you just wrote. Make the images relevant and consider them as an addition to the heading while keeping it as specific as possible. Try to use something other than stock photos as they do not give the value you want to your page.

Don’t: Use standard sub-headers

Eventually, visitors will dig deeper and deeper into your website. Therefore, it is important to make your website easily scannable and make changes to the website which help you reach this goal. Something you should avoid here is using generic subheads such as “Our expertise”, “Our solutions” or even “What we do”. These often only waste precious space. What you should do, is change these subheads wherever possible and go straight to the point. Show the visitors straight away what you do, how you do it, and where you succeed.

Do: Use descriptive navigation bars

By creating a smart overview of the website, you can easily navigate people to relevant pages in a shorter period. Let them find what they are searching for in a minimum amount of clicks. Try to avoid too generic labels as they are too vague and unhelpful. Focus on labels that are specifically linked to your business and try to make sense for the visitors. After all, they are the ones that came to your website for some kind of information, make sure they find it!

Do: Come up with click-worthy CTAs

A call to action should be meaningful and create a potential entrance to something new for your visitor. So instead of saying “Contact us” write down something more meaningful, for example, “Schedule a call with our LinkedIn specialist”. This gives them a reason to click and it also makes the solution more tangible. It has been proven that CTAs such as schedule, chat, check, and download have a higher potential to be clicked on than CTAs like contact, read, and learn.

Unfortunately, we do have to say goodbye….

But not forever!

Currently, we’re rethinking our LinkedIn organic marketing strategy. Unfortunately, this also means that we will be stopping with Dapper’s Do’s and Don’ts until we have completed the process.

Luckily for you, there is another way in which you can keep receiving growth marketing tips and tricks. Not on LinkedIn, but in your mailbox! If you sign up for our Growthlist, you will receive one tip in your inbox each week. And be prepared, some nice changes are on the horizon for that newsletter as well…


