5 Easiest Web Accessibility Tests Anyone Can Do

5 Easiest Web Accessibility Tests Anyone Can Do

To understand accessible web development and accessibility, knowledge of DOM, BOM, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, assistive technologies and accessibility APIs is required. There are users who don’t have any idea about accessibility. There are also other users who don’t know things like the interplay between DOM interfaces, markup and accessibility API role mappings. For this very purpose, there are quite a few easy-to-perform web accessibility tests that anyone can do, provided they obtain just a little bit of knowledge about accessibility testing. In this article, you will know about the five easiest web accessibility tests that anyone can do.

Following are the five easiest web accessibility tests that can be done by almost anyone:

1. Check for transcripts or captions: If there is media covered on the website, then check for transcripts, captions and other possible alternatives. The following are the points to be pondered upon:

·?A control in the player that can turn the captions on and off. Check for any captions on the video.

·Check for an alternative version with an audio description or ascertain a control in the player that can turn the audio description on and off

·If there is a lot of dialog in the videos, check if the page has a text transcript or link that is close to the video player that goes to a transcript.

2. The high contrast mode should be turned on: The background and foreground colors are changed by the windows high contrast mode to create higher contrast. High contrast mode in the windows operating system allows users with light sensitivity, low vision users and sometimes users with dyslexia, a convenient means to enhance their abilities in using the computer. All the colors on the site are removed in their entirety.

3. Turn off the trackpad and unplug the mouse: The easiest and quickest way to test the website’s accessibility is to turn off the trackpad and/or unplug the mouse. In this type of scenario, only a keyboard is used to interact with the site. It is a simple test process, as the site can interact with only the keyboard. In order to traverse forward in the tab order, the ‘Tab’ key is used. If the ‘Tab’ and ‘Shift’ keys are activated at the same time, then traverse backward will take place in the tab order. Links can be followed by pressing ‘enter.’

4. Turning off CSS: CSS (Cascading Stylesheets) is an important method of handling visual presentation and layout of web interfaces. Document weight is reduced and flexibility is increased for users through the strategic utilization of CSS. From an accessibility standpoint, there are a few things that need to be looked out for.

To turn off CSS in IE, go to ‘View’, click on ‘style’ and then select ‘No style.’ To turn off CSS in Mozilla Firefox, go to ‘View’, select ‘page style’ and then select ‘No Style.’ After the styles are turned off, check the following points:

· Is there a difficulty in understanding previous visual cues and error messages?

· Check if the background images have disappeared. Also, check if other actionable items, icons, controls?or important content have disappeared

· The content should be displayed in an easy-to-understand and reasonable order.

5. Click on field labels: Forms are one of the best methods of measuring conversion and interacting with websites. When it comes to volume, forms-related accessibility problems are among the frequent issues. Form issues fall under three main categories and those are poor focus control, ineffective error handling and missing or incomplete labeling. There is one simple way to test the form labels’ existence and that is to click on the text label that is adjacent to the field.

Conclusion: If you are looking forward to implementing accessibility testing for your specific project, then do get connected with a devoted software testing services company that will provide you with a methodical testing blueprint that is in line with your project specific requirements.?


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