5 Drinking Cheat Codes For The Weekend
Glenn Shelford
Helping busy desk-based execs move away from weight loss fads, flakey confidence and having to put a "front" on at work... To drop the guilt, take control & get back in their clothes collecting dust in the wardrobe
It's appropriate for Friday
and I wanted to give you something you could implement over the course of the next two days
Simply because I'm nice like that :)
So here's five ways you can cheat the weekend (in some parts)
Drink as much as you want & STILL stay on track
Here goes:
1. Limit your calories on your food (not overly advisable) But by choosing carb heavy and fat heavy foods, you'll soak up the alcohol more, and still have some extra calories left over for additional booze ** this is NOT a long term strategy)
2. Drink less calorie drinks - yeah you've promised yourself it a few times, but then the willpower gives way and all hell breaks loose. But why not commit to it for once, and tell people in there before you start drinking that you're on "no fizzy" for example. Spirits & healthier mixers are the way to go
3. Load up on calories, eat a LOT of "make you full" food right before you go out, you won't want to drink and even if you do, you won't get pissed! Which means you can train the morning after to make up for it
4. Drive - commit to it now and then you've only got yourself to blame for not being able to drink
5. Final one is, RELAX... it's one night, couple weeks down the line and you won't even remember tonight (for all the right reasons) So just write the night off, enjoy the evening and get back on it the day after
Just promise yourself not to beat yourself up the next day with:
"FFS why did I do it?"
"What am I like?"
"Did I really show everyone my underwear when dancing on the table"
You get the gist ;)
Have a great weekend!
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