The 5 Do's And Don'ts Of Social Media

The 5 Do's And Don'ts Of Social Media

I wanted to share a story with you. Recently when I was posting on Linkedin a man who shall remain unnamed pulled me up on the amount of hashtags that I was using. I am supposed to be the expert, yet here I was not even following my own advice. Want to know the huge mistake I made? I had simply uploaded the content that was for my Instagram account which has waaayyyy more hashtags than Linkedin or Facebook should.  

The comment that was made in a LinkedIn group I am part of, and it said “You need to remove the tag spam from your posts in the future or I will remove them. 3 tags are sufficient.” Now as you can imagine, Initially I was furious! Hopping mad!! And boy did it make me think. Then I questioned the validity of the comment..Was he right? 

And Yes he was right. I had made a big Linkedin No-No. I was at the mercy of my own mistakes. Everything in life is about lessons, right? I wanted to create this post so that you too, can learn from the errors of my mistakes without having to make them yourself. 

Social media is such a minefield that many of the real estate agents I train get so anxious when they try to use it for their marketing. They ask: “Do I do this? Do I do that?” only to be told “No, don't do this. Don't do that” by some guru. There are so many experts out there with conflicting messages that it’s no wonder people get confused and make mistakes. A lot.

To help sort this confusion out, I’ve come up with a list of social media do’s and don'ts that can be followed by anyone who wants to build their personal brand online. These are simple, easy-to-follow tips but I find that many agents forget about them in the midst of all the chaos of daily life. So read through as you might find a valuable tip or two!


  1. Engage with your audience. Ask them to comment, share and like your videos and your content. Don’t forget to monitor your comments. Like positive comments. Answer questions and find out what your audience wants to know. And most importantly, ask for feedback regarding your content, i.e. what they like and don't like about your content. 
  2. Consider the timings of your posts. For example, what time zone are you posting in? When is your audience most likely to be watching your videos and interacting with your posts? Timing is everything, so check out and do research of when your target audience is most likely to be online and engage with you.

Read the rest of the article HERE.

Watch the video version of this article HERE.


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