5 "poorly"? practices discovered , that could be improve on Agile Scale Adoption V2.1

5 "poorly" practices discovered , that could be improve on Agile Scale Adoption V2.1

Based on my experience on Adopting Agile and taking the opportunity to work on big and complex organizations on Agile Scale approaches, as Agile Observing Coach practicing, want to share five of my observations, that on terms on of Ron Jeffries that mention on his May 10 2018 article named Developers Should Abandon Agile, could be consider [“Agile” ideas are applied poorly], even using the Agile mindset, for sure could be improve and I consider them as a big opportunity to use this blog as ideation to next retrospective, to put on the next steps on make better Agile adoption.

With a lot of frameworks to scale Agile, SAFe, LeSS, Nexus, ScaleAgile, the "poorly" practices raised, but those no mean bad news, those are improvement opportunities, I will start mention them with a keep it simple approach, suggesting improvement options:

  1. I observed that big organizations believe that applying the Framework already scale, in that process lose the emphasis on the adoption of the mindset; the consistent, standardized, constant and reinforcement way on why Agile mindset change is important, with little daily messages or short trainees on breaking paradigms, will help on identify when Framework implementation is going fast or with a deviation of Agile manifesto values and principles
  2. Mix command and control practices while applying the Agile frameworks such as Scrum, Kanban, etc. in the daily work of the teams, affecting the appropriation of the principles, again the believe of pressure and team maturity evaluation is the best way of motivating the team; I will invite to read the "Agile at Scale - Harvard Business Review" article that I recent share, because it will show good points that will help to organization leaders in his own change, on the point that in the long term the risk adoption of the teams lesson learning, will improve the self management benefits and this will help on effective organization goals achievement; the teams consensus and flow rhythm have better adoption on less pressure and self team improvement evaluation (practicing OKR measuring models)
  3. Teams overwhelmed in size, more than 9 people, given the complexity of the scaling, adding more complexity to the process, deviating from the keep it simple approach; on the daily decision, work and meetings the smalls team have showing that the divergence and convergence is more effective on smalls teams, its important that organizations invest on have observing coaches understanding the team communication teams to grow on "Tuckman's stages of group development". Aditional to this; on Sep 8, 2016, Steve Denning, writes an article named Explaining Agile, where mention "that organizations that have embraced Agile have three core characteristics", ther first is "The Law Of The Small Team"; more in the past the Harvard Business Review, research (Why Less Is More in Teams) shows that the effective teams size is between 4 & 5. Those concepts are aligned with my observation.
  4. Continue to apply traditional measurements to the results of the equipment, affecting the motivation of the team and diverting the objective of the delivery; as I mention previously the self management implies self measurement approach, and the OKR adoption will be a good suggested approach to do it aligned with Agile manifesto values and principles.
  5. Prioritize tools management that team mindset change, taking the operation model to be guided by the information and visibility in the tool, diverting the adoption of an operating model centered on self-management, based on "the teams develop: their own roles, events, deliverables and social contracts" that are self-adopted in the escalation process; this again must be followed by Agile Coaches, and the agile team size and keep safe grow adoption, balance between team risks management and organization change.

Hope this ideas, help on our own change process and be free to give comments and improvements.

As a CONCLUSION, the constant on the guard of values and principles, will guide the options proposal when some of the previous "poorly" practices appear on your organization.

Spanish version


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