5 Direct Mail Marketing Tips That Can Help Your Small Business Succeed

5 Direct Mail Marketing Tips That Can Help Your Small Business Succeed

Are you trying to increase the success of your marketing? There are hundreds of marketing strategies available, but which ones are best? Perhaps you could try direct mail marketing. According to the Direct Marketing Associations 2016 Response Rate Report, the average response rate for prospect lists rose to 2.9%, from 1% in 2015. While this number may seem paltry, direct mail outperforms all other digital channels. If you want to increase sales, try some of these strategies for maximum results.


Contents and Packaging

Start with an attractive mailing that includes a printed envelope, sales letter, brochure, and order form. Use teaser copy, like “Free Offer” or “Open Me” on the envelope to prod people to open. Teaser copy is an interesting statement that’s meant to catch the reader’s attention. It should always provide a benefit to the reader, yet still require opening the envelope.

For the content inside, the sales letter should have the objective to grab the reader’s attention and get them to act. The sales letter is generally the fulfillment of the teaser copy. The brochure should describe your product or service. Don’t use simple black and white brochures either: colored brochures are highly effective in direct mailings. And always include an order form to make it easy for your contact to respond or purchase. Without an order form, anything you send is almost guaranteed to fail, because even an interested party is going to lose interest if they don’t know how to get what you’ve promised.


Target Your Audience

Define your audience and tailor your marketing endeavors towards those specific people. The more targeted your campaign is, the higher the response rate will be. One of the best way to target an audience is to address them in your sales letter heading. Possible ways to target include offering a solution for a common problem, appealing to the interests of a specific age group, or a goal like weight loss. After that, explain in the body of the letter how your product or service helps the reader attain that.


Focus on the Benefits

Always address the benefits of your products or services in your sales letter. Don’t focus on the features. While you might be able to mention a couple of the best features as they apply to the benefits of the reader, focus on the benefits. Instead, use the brochure to go over primary features, styles, dimensions, flavors, and whatever else is appropriate for your offer.


Obey the Law

Make sure you always obey the law, particularly when it comes to marketing. If you run your business from your home, look into zoning laws, because some prohibit the sale of goods or services from a residence. Some laws also address misrepresentation claims, like if you make a very wrong and problematic claim in your sales letter or brochure. Businesses aren’t just sued by other businesses. Business litigation can involve individuals or business entities, so take care with the mail you send. Check everything to make sure it obeys the law.


Track Your Results

Tracking the response rate of your mailing enables you to determine how profitable it is. The order form is the best tool for tracking results. Insert a unique code on each order form for every piece of mail you send. That way, you can easily identify the specific recipient when you get the order.

Whether your objective is a direct order or a lead from your mail marketing, always keep track of everyone who responds. You can always send those who don’t order another mailing with a slightly different offer. And those who order are likely to order again if they’re satisfied with your product or service.


Increasing your business sales doesn’t have to be difficult. There are many tried-and-true strategies you can test. Try these tips above with direct mail marketing and hopefully you’ll see a bit of growth in your sales.


