5: Diet to stop thinking about the diets
?What is a diet? Is it a punishment for your body by under eating or starving, applied by your own free will? No? Do you keep hearing "get your dream body in 12 days"? Why does this specific "research says" value win space in all paper and digital front pages, even if it guarantees that all the lost weight comes back with additional friends?
?Yes, it is so sweet to think that you are in full control of the situation. Very short diets offer a very simple plan that gives you guarantee of the result you want so much. What is always omitted (of course) is that every human is unique, and at any given moment uses the nutrients and energy differently, and that there can be no guarantees without knowledge of the eating history (which also influences how body interacts with food), that use of energy is also individual, as well and metabolism and genetics. As scary as it sounds to stuff your head full of nutritional knowledge, at least one thought should find space in your head - your body is not an oven or an engine. It does not need fuel. Nutrition and metabolism are complex and subtle processes, and it is best to leave them alone unless you have loads of specialized knowledge. Like not piloting an airplane if you're not a pilot.
?It is even sweeter to think that there is so little to do and the results will be so awesome. But free cheese is only in the mouse trap. If you have already put so much effort into pushing your body off the balance (well, maybe it does not seem like an effort, but you have not lost your good shape in twelve days). Therefore, there is no magic method to get you back in shape in twelve days, either. If you want to look healthy for the rest of your life, you need to be eating healthy for the rest of your life. There is no math or a way to cheat mother nature. If it was so easy, new diets would not be developed ("the effect of this one is guaranteed!"), and everybody would know what to do for quite a while right now. Like everybody knows not to lick metal in cold weather - except for a few stubborn ones who really need to experience everything in person).
?To be prettier, you need to suffer. This is as true as to say - to be more rested, you need to run more. If you want to be more tanned, you need to hide from the sun more. And if you are thirsty, you need to drink less for the thirst to go away. You get the idea - it all is exactly the opposite. If you punish your body with starvation and low value food, body will not become prettier. No body under any circumstances needs sugar, fat, fizzy bubbles, or salty spices. Body needs food, real and high-quality food. No body needs sweets or chips. Yes, you want them (just as drug addict wants another dose), but you don't need them. You need to know the difference, so you do not hide behind some kind of artificial "needs".
?"But I really crave (put here anything...)". Why can't I have it? Why can't I let myself go and have a bit of it? Oh, but you can. No doubt about it. You can have it sometimes, in small bites, and eat with so much pleasure that your eyes will close without you noticing it. And no harm will be done. There is no way that a treat can be defined as "daily large meal". So, do not lie to yourself. Then be frank with yourself - "I want to eat daily non-healthy meals and look like a million dollars". And afterwards check whether it still looks like you are not lying to yourself.
?The only good diet is a diet for your thoughts. A diet where you keep away from thinking about diets.
#spoonfulofreason #psychology #diets #nodiets #thinking
Photo: Ive Erhard on Unsplash
My name is Monika, I am health and nutrition psychologist. I help to deal with daily and difficult questions about behaviour, thinking, emotions. I write, give lectures, and provide psychological counselling. Book a session with me here: https://calendly.com/saukstasproto/psichologine-konsultacija ?