How to Create Automated Rules: 5 Easy Steps
You don’t need to micromanage every campaign to get the best results.
Leave it to Decenterads’ DSP automated rules, and challenge yourself with something fun instead!
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?? to create a rule, click “+”
?? name a rule and choose the source type
?? clarify the rule time
?? create the conditions for your auto-rule
?? create a black or white list in the section “Filters”
A-a-and done. You can apply auto rules to a whole advertising campaign or certain creatives.
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One of many examples is Black/Whitelisting: sources with a high CTR in particular Source (App) will be whitelisted automatically, and vice versa - sources with a low CTR will be added to the Blacklist.
Do you have questions about auto rules?
Ask our Account Managers for more insights and tips on setting up auto rules at [email protected]!