5 deadly sins you are doing with your networks
Michael Griffiths
We help service professionals add six figures a year to their business, by transforming their networks into a powerful source of referrals, word-of-mouth, and long lasting clients. Click on visit website to find out more
In the good old days before funnels, automation, CRM's, and fancy widgets, we had to rely on human relationships to grow our business.
We would turn up, meet people, spend months and months building relationships and that would then get us, new clients.
In today's world, that still happens and the power of technology also means you can do it from your own office or desk anywhere in the world.
It is easy to forget (and I sometimes do as well) that
At your fingertips, you have all the people resources you need.
You have people who can open doors for you...
People who can promote you...
People who can introduce you to others...
People who can take you to new clients and...
People who you can partner with...
So why is it so hard for the majority of business owners to use their networks effectively?
Simply put, it is because of these 5 deadly sins!
I'm going through them right here in this "Get More Referrals Today" podcast