5 Custom Page Ideas for your SAGE Website

5 Custom Page Ideas for your SAGE Website

Saying that we live in a virtual world these days would be an understatement. And by now you probably already know the importance of having a website, but your customers visit tons of websites every day. So, how are you standing out from the sea of other sites?

One of the most important things you can do is customize your site, and with the brand new Page Builder in SAGE Websites, you can do just that! And, the best part – there’s no coding required.

Each tier of SAGE’s website offerings allows you to add multiple custom pages. From contact forms to a unique ‘About Us’ page, and everything in between, you can customize the overall design, add featured product groups, and more. But what pages should you add?

Here are just a few ways you can use the Page Builder in SAGE Websites to create custom pages for your site, enhance your SEO, and stand out from the crowd!

1. Custom Form Pages

There are a few useful ways you can implement custom form pages. If you’re not using SAGE Chat on your website (you should be!) or if it’s after hours, creating a contact form for your customers to tell you more about their project idea is a great way to ensure you don’t miss out on any potential leads.

Another popular use would be to direct your customers to a contact form at the end of a transaction to ask for feedback! Asking ‘How did we do?’ will help you identify any pain points in your sales process, gather information for a follow-up project, and celebrate your wins!

2. A Case Studies Page

Case studies show your customers that promotional products work and are a great way to showcase your best campaigns. Including quotes from happy customers, high-quality photos of the end project (with customer permission, of course!), and a synopsis of how the campaign faired will tell your site visitors why they should choose you for their next project.

3. A Trending Brands Page

Have you noticed an order uptick for a certain brand or product? Or, maybe you’ve noticed an item that has gone viral on social media, and now your customers are asking about it. By adding a ‘Now Trending’ page, you can help your customers stay up-to-date and inspire fresh ideas for their next campaign with the latest in what’s hot in the world of promo!

4. A Staff Picks Page

If you are a frequent bookstore visitor or were born in the 1900s and used to rent your movies at a brick-and-mortar establishment, then you should be familiar with ‘Staff Picks.’ This practice weighs heavy on the staffer to choose their recommendation wisely (or be severely judged) and if done correctly, includes a little notecard with a blurb from that staff member explaining the reason for their choice. Creating a ‘Staff Picks’ page for your site follows the same concept, only with promo! Just be sure to include all the relevant information for each item and rotate your picks regularly with new products to keep your suggestions fresh and make the algorithms happy.

5. A Meet The Team Page

And finally, we all like to put a face with a name, don’t we? Having a ‘Meet the Team’ page with professional headshots and a short bio for each team member personalizes your company and helps your customers feel more at ease when selecting you for their promotional product needs.

Do you have ideas for a custom page that we didn’t cover? Share the wealth in the comments below, or check out more marketing inspo here!



