5 Crucial Spring Health Hacks
As we emerge from hibernation we can notice that the long, cold dark days of winter have taken their toll on our bodies, our fitness levels and our state of mind. With these top tips we can blossom along with our budding surroundings and revel in a new spring in our step.
After a winter mummified in layers of clothing the skin of our arms, legs and feet appears dull, dry and flaky. Avoid the temptation to slap on moisturiser. These flakes are dead skin cells, which will never be brought back to life and creams and lotions will only glue these dead cells to your skin as a porridge-like substance. The answer is to use a soft to mid bristled brush and “body brush” with brisk strokes away from the heart to sweep off the dead cells. Your skin will glow and be in great shape to absorb sun protection for the fabulous summer ahead! If this all sounds like too much work to accomplish yourself book in for a Spring Spa Therapy with us- details below.
Feet First
Peeling off thermal socks and boots to reveal neglected feet is another spring shocker! Unless we removed hard skin at the end of summer, there will be thick, cracked callouses that appear around the edges of the heels and over the balls of the feet. Again, avoid the temptation to put moisturising cream on these area assuming they are dry skin. These hard skinpads need removing with pumice stone or a special pedicure tool. The advantage of tackling this task now is that the winter cushioning of socks and shoes will have prevented further build up so it’s a job best tackled soon before walking in sandals, flip flops and bare feet makes it worse. As with exfoliation this is an awkward job to attempt for yourself and comes as part of our Spring Spa Therapy treatment so book with us- details below.
Slightly Swollen?
It’s not just Christmas over-indulgence which can make our bodies appear more swollen than in autumn. Humans have a liquid waste disposal system circulating around in a similar way to the blood supply. But whilst our blood has the heart pumping it through veins and arteries, the waste or “Lymphatic system” relies on movement and touch to trigger lymph drainage. Lack of exercise and being cocooned in clothes means lymph drainage is sluggish creating backups and blockages which can appear as swollen areas. A thorough lymph drainage massage is beautifully pampering and relaxing but has the medical advantage of kick-starting lymph drainage. This releases blockages and reduces swelling. Book an entire hour of this treatment or take a Spring Spa Therapy which will begin this process for you.
Vitamin D Deficiency
Starved of sunlight in winter months, we will all be suffering from Vitamin D deficiency. This adversely affects our health in many ways. We notice a deterioration in skin, hair and nail condition. We can suffer low mood and poor immunity to disease. Getting out in sunlight as often as possible now warmer weather tempts us is important. Revealing the forearms (which is the most efficient Vitamin D absorbing area) will also help. Booking a Spring Spa Therapy will de-stress and increase wellbeing so we’re much more inclined to do this.
More Water
Winter is a season of hot drinks and heating. It takes the spring sunshine and extra exercise of an outdoor life to trigger our natural thirst for water. We should be drinking at least 2 litres, which is 8 generous glasses per day. Many of the health niggles we suffer in winter from headaches to low energy levels can be attributed to dehydration so remember its not called Spring Water for nothing- increase your water intake in Spring.
To book Zen Ten Spa’s Spring Spa Therapy sessions call 07709 101010.