5 Critical Steps to Getting Started in UK Property

5 Critical Steps to Getting Started in UK Property

5 Critical Steps to Getting Started in UK Property

Last week we had goals… this week we are looking at getting started.


How do you make the dream a reality?


What practical steps can you take to get started in property?


Where do you turn?


How do you build your knowledge?  


Over the past 10 years we have managed to help many of our clients build property portfolios, from multiple small units, to multimillion pound portfolios. The question we get asked the most when we meet with new people, is how do I get started?


Therefore, what I want to do today is show you the five steps I would take if I was starting from scratch and how you can get involved into scaling up your property investment portfolio in the UK.


Step one…


Educate yourself.


I'm not talking about throwing yourself into investing 10s of 1000s of your hard earned in property education and courses, (although I do think education is wise) Before that, you want to immerse yourself into the property investment sector.


Read as much as you can… books, reports, articles, magazines. As much as possible. Sign up to newsletters, make a twitter or Instagram purely for following property pages. Please have a read of the below, a article we put together a little while ago that has our top resources for property education. You subscribe to this newsletter... so that is a start!

 Follow some YouTube channels (APW Property, of course, for example below – there are others), and start surrounding yourself with, and immersing yourself in, the property space so that you're able to pick up real life experiences.

If your looking for somewhere to start, give our podcast a go.....


Step two…..


This goes back to last weeks article…. know your outcome or your goal.


We see it all the time where people seem to be running really fast to no where in particular…. This goes back to not being able to hit a target you are not aiming at (see below!).



If you don't know your outcome, how can you know your inputs you need? How do you know what direction to set off in? If you don't know what you want to achieve? How do you know what you need to do day to day?


Start by sitting down and asking what does success look like to me? Income now? Income in the future? Pension? Capital growth? Grow portfolio? Maybe it’s travel? To have passive income and help others? These are all solid goals that can give you a real WHY when you are struggling.


Knowing this will help you define the input needed.


Step three….


Ascertain what resources you have available and at your disposal to achieve these goals…. Not just financial resources!


If you don’t have heaps of cash, what other resources can you bend to your will? Time? Can you out research your competition? What about networks? Do you have a network you can draw on? JVs? Or do you have cash but not the time and the network? Can you pay someone else such as a buyers agent to operate on your behalf?


Look at your goals through the lens of your resources, and make a plan!


Step four…..


Know your strategy.


Is it going to be the small 30 grand property in the valleys?

Is it a rundown property that needs work and love?

Is it the pure capital appreciation play in London?

Is it BRRR?

Buy and hold?

Renovate and flip?


Not sure? Read the below!


Then reconsider your resources and goals...... which is the strategy that fits your goals, and it most realistic based on your resources (financial, time, knowledge) etc.


Point 5…..


Perhaps most importantly… take some action.


As Theodore Roosevelt once said;


It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again and again, because there is no effort without error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who neither know victory nor defeat.

We all know people that are armchair experts, they will try tell you what to do, or how you should do something, but how many of them are in the arena? Sweating and making their plans a reality?


There are heaps of people in the property investment space that get fully into the reading and education, they become theory nuts and read and research and go on courses but never actually implement their plans. Then, next thing you know, 5 years have gone by and you are in no better situation than you were before, no closer to your goals, no better off! I have seen it happen many a time!


If you've looked at the outcomes that you want, you've looked at what resources you've got available, and considered the strategy that you want to move forward with, now's the time to take action.


Write down your plan, then get on Rightmove, Zoopla, others, and start!


Hopefully those five steps or five basic steps can help you get started in property and I wish you all the best on achieving your results and getting your first property.


If you would like a hand, please get in touch, and most of all….


Be bold.

Be the person in the ring!



Striving to make your dreams a reality!






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