5 Countries in April!
Well, ok, COUNTING my home country of the USA, that is!
Yep, Spring Break with my kids in Mexico, followed by a week-long all-adult scuba trip in the Philippines, then to Macau for 2 days, Hong Kong for a day, and back home.
I had some time to reflect, especially on the scuba trip, where I had no access to TV, WiFi, or mobile phone. We were completely cut off - which is rare and was very nice.
I did do a couple selfie videos reflecting on different business situations when I was in Macau.
Here, I'm admiring these old buildings as I realize they are yesterday's luxury, and their view has been completely cut off by progress.
And this one on global brands and the importance of keeping YOUR brand strong.
And in Hong Kong, I was SO lucky to connect with Ip Sang, an old business buddy of mine, and I was completely jazzed on how alive that city is. Check it out here.
In the Philippines, I was reminded how 3rd world it is there - undoubtedly partially due to corrupt government over the last 40 or so years, starting with Mr. Marcos. Such a kind, warm, friendly people there, with beautiful natural resources and a strong work ethic. And they just don't have the results. It's really too bad.
In Macau and Hong Kong, I was really taken with the speed and intensity of the place. Macau's gambling revenue last year was SEVEN times that of Las Vegas! And Hong Kong remains one of the most amazing cities on the planet, with 40-50 story buildings going up, surrounded by BAMBOO scaffolding. What a rich history in both cities! And I only saw ONE old man begging. No homeless, no beggars, no panhandlers.
So I'm back in business-building mode, and have a couple seats in my Accelerate 120 Class, if you're serious about building your business. And I have an exciting brand re-vamp being done in May, and I'm really excited about it.
In the meantime, if you have business questions or issues, don't hesitate to reach out!
Make it a great day!
[email protected]