The 5 Cornerstones of Leadership Success
Leadership Insights | Monday, 22 August 2022 | No. 19

The 5 Cornerstones of Leadership Success

We all remember the epic encounter between David and Goliath. Goliath represented a daunting obstacle and threat to the future of a whole nation. David, a most underrated little boy from nowhere, brought Goliath down. He used a different approach. He used a seemingly simple but proven method to overcome that herculean task. He used a ‘sling’ and picked ‘five smooth stones.’

He took his walking stick in his hand and went to find five smooth stones from the stream. He put the five stones in his shepherd’s bag and held his sling in his hand. Then he went out to meet the Philistine. - 1 Samuel 17:40 ERV

David’s approach was considered a ‘joke’ although Saul, the king, reluctantly gave him the benefit of the doubt. To many observing, he looked like he was treating a very serious problem with kid gloves. They could not understand how a giant like Goliath could be defeated with the use of a mere sling and five little stones picked from the brooks.

Those ‘stones’ picked by David proved to be ‘cornerstones.’ Those who did not know their strategic significance in the hands of David rejected what proved to be the saving grace in that dire situation.

Jesus said to them, “Surely you have read this in the Scriptures: ‘The stone that the builders refused to accept became the cornerstone. The Lord did this, and it is wonderful to us.’ - Matthew 21:42 ERV

Those five stones proved to be the ‘cornerstones’ of David’s success in that battle.

The leader’s battle

You may not have thought of the leader’s responsibility as a battle. Well, I suggest you do. Leaders are called to ‘make’ their followers into more productive personalities. Leaders have the responsibility of transforming those who follow them into people of strong character. Leaders take followers on a journey where although the destination is rewarding, the route is hazardous and tough. (See my article titled, Rough road to a sure destination)

There are Goliaths that the leader will have to confront and conquer to ‘make’ the follower into whatever they desire.

People do not just follow their leaders. The average person is more disposed to being her own master. We want to exercise control over our destinies. It takes a lot of effort to make the decision to submit to the authority of a leader.

It is not unusual for followers to wonder or even ask aloud, why should I follow you? The thing is that a leader cannot truly lead without committed followers. The transformation that a leader desires for her people will not happen if they do not submit to her leadership and comply with her instructions.

The lack of faith or trust in a leader is one ‘giant obstruction’ to success in that role. Therein lies the Goliath that a leader must bring down if she must have any chance of success.

Going by David’s historic encounter with Goliath, it is easy to appreciate the leader’s need for the ‘five (5) smooth stones.’ These are the cornerstones that will assure leadership success.

The 5 Cornerstones that make leaders successful

Like the smooth stones of David, the cornerstones required by the leader are typically treated with contempt. In our case, this means that we probably have become too sophisticated in our approach to leadership to appreciate the importance of certain basic principles or elements. Yet, these simple and seemingly irrelevant actions represent the factors to guarantee leadership success.

To be sure, no leader can succeed in her core assignment without securing her follower's commitment and full submission. Without destroying the ‘goliath’ of distrust, hoping for success simply is nothing but a mirage.

Cornerstone 1: Pay Close, Personal Attention

 Leadership thrives on relationship. It must be conducted based on a personal relationship between the leader and the follower. Even if you are leading a team, a leader must understand that a relationship must be developed between her and each direct report. It is not intended to be an arms-length relationship.

If a leader must be successful and encourage the follower to trust her, she must demonstrate dedication to the relationship. That dedication is expressed by paying close, personal attention to the follower. It must be such that she ensures that she does everything within her power to gain (rather than lose) the follower. She must show that she cares truly about the follower and not superficially, just because she wants to get results or achieve her targets.

Every follower must count in the leader's agenda. Every team member must be accorded respect as being valuable. She must commit to helping and providing as much support as possible at the personal level to each member. She must spend time with and stay close to each follower. She has to ‘fight’ for every member of her team to willingly opt to stay with her and be committed.

When a leader does this, they make the follower feel appreciated. The follower develops trust in the leader consequently, knowing that she can count on the leader for support at a personal level all through the journey.

This is a foremost ‘cornerstone’ but a good number of leaders either consider it unnecessary or too burdensome, thereby losing perhaps the most vital platform for securing success in their assignment.

Cornerstone 2: Promote Continuous Learning

The next cornerstone is to be committed to the transfer of knowledge to the follower. Knowledge is the foundation for change. Continuous learning is required to sustain and accelerate progress. This is a critical source of empowerment and a leader who knows her onions will not joke with it.

For the avoidance of doubt, what we are saying here is that the leader must be the foremost source of knowledge and learning for every follower. The leader must take up that responsibility and be seen to have done so by the follower. Leaders are teachers and continuous learners.

To commit to knowledge transfer can be likened to a shepherd who takes personal responsibility for the regular ‘feeding’ of every sheep in her flock. Leaders must take responsibility for feeding their followers. Followers must ‘live’ by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of a true leader.

The knowledge that the leader communicates and the learning she facilitates provide the basis for the transformation her leadership should accomplish.

Again, too many leaders simply do not invest in the transfer of knowledge to their followers as much as they should. It is a core responsibility that should not be delegated sparingly. Leaders who fail to commit to teaching their people should not complain about their inability to live up to their expectations in any way, performance, or behaviour.

The more committed a leader is to knowledge transfer, the more knowledgeable the follower becomes, the more the follower appreciates the value that the leader has to offer, and the more empowered the follower will be. Followers will typically yield to such leaders from whom they receive solid empowerment.

 Cornerstone 3: Show Dedication & Discipline

You are young, but don’t let anyone treat you as if you are not important. Be an example to show the believers how they should live. Show them by what you say, by the way you live, by your love, by your faith, and by your pure life. - 1 Timothy 4:12 ERV

A leader will not get the cooperation of her people beyond the level of her dedication to her role and the discipline demonstrated in her approach to conducting it. Your people will always take note of how committed you are to your leadership role in deciding whether to equally commit to you or not.

Being dedicated to your role as a leader is really showing dedication to the transformation of the people you lead. When you are seen to be dedicated to the people, the people will be inclined to reciprocate that gesture.

Being disciplined in your conduct of the responsibility also sends a powerful signal. It should reflect in what you say, the way you live, the love you show toward them, the faith you demonstrate in their ability to become a leader just like you, and a life of integrity that you are committed to.

Your discipline should also reflect in staying away from frivolities, issues that do not lie within your core area of responsibility, people who add little or no value to your role (and your development), wrong priorities, and even desires. When you project this kind of discipline as a leader, you are seen to be well-prepared for your role and businesslike in your approach.

Showing that you mean business goes a long way to get your people on your side and to stay with you for the long haul.

Cornerstone 4: Focus on Transferring Your Key Abilities & Gifts

In a previous article, I discussed the principle that leaders are gifts to their followers, and they are intended to transfer their ‘gifts’ to followers as well. The special abilities, skills, talents, and/or gifts of followers represent a great part of what they have to offer followers. These features make them attractive to followers. They signal to their people what they stand to benefit from going with them, among others.

To do leadership right, a leader must ensure that those things which make the ‘tick’ are transferred to or developed in their people. It must be clear in their approach to leadership that they intend to make that transfer happen, thereby empowering their followers to display the same capacity that they have for getting things done or thinking through issues and situations.

If a leader is capable and demonstrates competencies in certain distinct areas, she must know that her responsibility to her followers is to pass on such competencies as well. In addition, she is to help her followers identify their unique areas of strength and to develop them. That way, the follower is significantly better empowered by the leader.

Who doesn’t want to stay under a leader with such a plan? You can see why this is an important cornerstone. Don’t expect anyone to commit blindly to you just because you are designated a leader. You must show what is on offer to your people, and much of that should reflect in your competence in unmistakable terms.

Cornerstone 5: Declare the Power of Trust

 At the risk of being seen to be self-serving, a leader who knows her onions must declare why it is important that her people should extend the courtesy of trust. Trust lies at the root of every strong relationship. A relationship that lacks trust will offer the parties no benefit. Trust empowers the realization of intended benefits in every relationship.

Until and unless a follower trusts the leader, and that is reflected in the quality of submission to her, it will be very difficult for the follower to benefit from the leader. Leaders are also encouraged to commit and give themselves fully to those followers who decide to trust them completely. Trust the leader is a key to extracting the best from her. The power of trust is very potent and should be encouraged by the leader.

It is not out of place for a leader to encourage her people to trust her and it helps to explain why such a gesture is required, relevant, and powerful for a mutually beneficial relationship. Trust is the hidden source of ‘power’ that motivates and accelerates the transformation benefit that leadership offers.

A vital prerequisite

When people trust you, they will follow your leadership. The issue to be addressed is why they should follow you. Followers will not directly ask you to justify why they should follow you but will expect you to be sensitive to that, and to provide the justification.

What you must understand as a leader is that you must show that you trust your follower first! You must show that you believe in them, and especially that they can become better personalities. You must believe that they have the will to improve and can acquire the ability to act. You must let them know that you trust them, can help them, and desire a solid relationship that offers compelling benefits.

Interestingly, every one of the 5 cornerstones contributes to realizing this in one important way or another. The 5 cornerstones individually will break the ‘goliath of distrust’ and taken together, are more than enough to overrun any obstacle to your leadership success.

They are simple and powerful but must be developed to be engaged effectively by the leader. Remember that David was skillful in the use of the sling and the stones. That’s why he picked smooth stones, from the brooks, and only five of them (despite knowing that one could get the job done).

Olatunji Sobodu

+234 809 891 1826 | [email protected]

P.S. Contact me if you need help or coaching on the ‘Cornerstones’ and especially how to engage them for your success as a leader.

Silas Ojoarome Ameh (M.ASCE, M.IAENG, GMNSE)

Branch Manager Wonder Star Steel Ventures || Civil Engineer || Project Manager || Entrepreneur | |Evangelist ~ We are what we do repeatedly, therefore, EXCELLENCE is not an ACT but a HABIT - Aristotle.

2 年

This is a great Olatunji Sobodu I celebrate you sir...


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