5 conversation starters for you to shine at the next networking event
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Remember when you got stuck for an hour with your great-uncle, discussing how bad the weather was at the last family Thanksgiving dinner? You don’t want a repetition of that at your next exciting networking event. Whether it is the annual office outing or a fancy conference, you need to bring your best conversative self to the table.
We all know that there are better ways of striking up a conversation with fellow professionals than talking about the gloomy skies. Instead of asking, “Crazy weather, huh?” try one of these starters at your next?job fair?to make more connections:
1. How did you hear about this event?
This is one of the?most versatile networking questions, ever! No matter what kind of an event it is, you can strike up a conversation with someone with this question. But don’t go asking this from someone at your office picnic, if they share the same floor and office bulletin board as you! Asking someone how they heard about an event can lead to a conversation about industry associations,?online job portals, or volunteer organizations that you both are a part of.
2. That job sounds fascinating. Tell me, what is the best part of your job?
Usually, at a networking event, we introduce ourselves along with our job titles. When you meet someone with a really interesting job title, you can get to know more about their job with this question. Imagine hearing all about someone’s first-hand leopard encounters as a big cat rescue worker! Who knows, you might even get to hear all about the complicated behind-the-counter machinations of your local bank from a bankruptcy specialist.
3. What made you choose this industry/job?
The whole point of networking is to?build meaningful relationships with other professionals. If you are interested in networking, you are surely interested in getting to know the real people behind the job titles. Asking this question can lead to?an informational interview?about the other person’s job/industry. You can get to know how they navigated the winding paths of their career journey, and might even get a few tips on how to climb to the top with less hassle if you are lucky enough!
4. I’m currently reading _________. What are you reading these days?
This question is definitely for the book-lover in you. Even if you are not a book-lover, it can be about any interesting news that has come out lately. Recently read about a cool new scientific invention? Then, this question will give you a chance to show the other person your interests and get to know what they like in return. Remember to keep the conversation going on both sides. It is not?a good networking conversation?if you are the only one sharing information.
5. What’s your favorite thing to do when you need a break from work?
Met someone who works two streets down from you? Then, the answer to this question may lead to you discovering the best burger place you have ever seen in your life! Networking events might be work-related, but that doesn’t mean that you should only talk about professional topics. You can enjoy the delicious finger cupcakes with your newfound connection while you both discuss your interests outside of work. Sometimes, personal topics make it easier for you to bond with other professionals. But be careful not to get too personal with someone you just met and talk about your unbearable boss!