5 Common AI Myths Debunked !!!
CA Hardik Dave
CA turned Entrepreneur | Founder & CEO | AI Innovator | Digital Transformation Leader
In the last article, we talked about how Artificial Intelligence impacts our lives with its real-world applications. If you have not read that article yet, I would recommend you read that first. In this article, let’s debunk the most commonly repeated myths surrounding Artificial Intelligence. In today’s hype-filled world of artificial intelligence, myth is often confused for fact and it becomes difficult to separate truth from fiction. Therefore, it is important for us to know what is a fact and what is not.
Say what you want about artificial intelligence, but at the end of the day, it is just computer code that is trained to mimic certain aspects of human thinking and intelligence. They cannot function outside their prescribed task. Their sole purpose is to do the well-defined task with precision and speed.
Human intelligence works on the concept of transfer of learning. Whatever knowledge humans gain can be generalized and applied to similar problems. This is possible in machine learning as well, but only for a small subset of solutions, unlike humans who possess the ability to generalize a vast variety of problems.
This is what sets human intelligence apart from artificial intelligence in today’s world. Evidently, most myths that arise regarding AI are due to misinformation regarding the same.
1. AI will replace humans in all jobs
This is perhaps the most popular Artificial Intelligence related theory out there. People argue that because AI would be so sophisticated and affordable for businesses, hiring human labor will just seem out of the picture. Mass unemployment will result from AI taking over human jobs and performing them more quickly and cheaply as a result.
In reality, AI development will only result in AI being used more as an effective tool rather than as a replacement for skilled jobs. All of this stems from the fact that AI will be able to automate the already existing, well-defined repetitive tasks, instead of taking over more complex jobs that require cognitive analysis.
Even in scenarios when AI is utilized for complex tasks, there won't be any impact on human jobs. Human participation isn't entirely eliminated by AI capabilities, but it gradually becomes limited to monitoring and handling unusual occurrences. This would probably require changing job profiles and retraining strategies for existing employees.
Rest assured, our jobs are safe. AI isn’t as intelligent as we think it to be. This brings us to the next myth that we want to strike out of the park, once and for all.
2. AI will take over the world
Next, we come to the bread and butter of everyday Artificial intelligence sci-fi movies and books. The “AI will take over the world” narrative has been overused in almost every sci-fi movie from Avengers to Terminator, and everything in between.
Countless narratives depict artificial intelligence gaining access to the most secure networks on earth and overthrowing global governments. Some even claim that these systems may control a nation's nuclear arsenals and wipe out humanity.
This makes us anxious about the future of AI, right? A prominent leader in the field of technology and Artificial intelligence telling us stuff like this is not supposed to help us sleep easily at night. What lies at the heart of this anxiety is the fear that as machines become smarter and their capacity for "thinking" and "analysis" increases, there will be an inevitable moment when those machines will become more intelligent than humans and probably take over the world. In case a super-intelligent AI does come along sometime in the future, the best thing to do is to prepare for it through regulation and laws. The main thing to worry about is that super-intelligent AI’s goals may not be aligned with humanity. In this case, super-intelligent AI may surpass all human barriers and take over the world.
We, as humans, like to dwell on ifs, buts, and maybes. However, the cold, hard truth is today’s technology is far from close to replicating this. Even if we attain technological singularity, we should be more focused on regulating all future AI endeavors than worrying about a far-fetched Terminator-like scenario.
3. AI learns on its own
We have all heard the “AI gone rogue” argument at least once during any AI-related discussions. As a matter of fact, AI algorithms cannot develop beyond their own code, as they are simply smart programs that use computing power to solve complex problems.
However, unsupervised learning algorithms have been showing slow progress in the field of self-learning from data. Despite that, it is not possible for AI to develop sentience on its own and go beyond code. To let everyone rest easy on the matter, forward-thinking regulatory practices are being implemented towards AI today thus making this scenario unlikely to occur in the near or distant future.
4. My business does not need AI solutions
Any business owner ignoring AI in today's world would be doing the same mistake as someone who ignored industrial revolution in early 18th century.
According to Gartner, 69% of what a manager presently does will be automated during the next four years.
Therefor, it is simply unwise for a business owner to entirely ignore the possible influence AI might have on their business in such a disruptive climate. Using AI would somewhere lead to make the business "future-proof" and therefore, organizations should assess their options for integrating AI into their plans and preparing for anticipated challenges.
5. More data means better AI
For longest time in the history of AI evolution, AI Community believed that volume of data is what decides the fate of AI and more data leads to better AI. However, we all learnt it hard way after wastage of millions of dollars and human-hours that AI is only good as the quality of the underlying data which we train on. There is a popular saying in the developer's community:
“Garbage in, garbage out”
Most of the advantages of training the AI are absent if the data is of poor quality. This is due to the fact that AI only explores the data to identify the best logical answer; it does not enhance the data that it is given. Therefore, to improve the quality of the data, it is the quality of the data which should be improved and not really the quantity, a principle leading to the concept of "Data-Centric AI", highly endorsed by #andrewng.
Closing Remark
That brings us to the end of this article. Hope you found it at interesting read. We would be coming up with many more exciting Article about AI, Data, and Career Opportunities in this field. If you are new to this newsletter, and have not subscribed to it yet, do consider subscribing to it.
See you in the next Article! Until then, have a good time and stay curious!
Lead Software Developer, Community Manager & Core Contributor N. America at TH.0
2 年I think you bring up some good points, but I think the true value of AI is replacing computer jobs first, then eventually jobs like carpenters, roofers and landscapers and stuff like that. I think with time, we can have most jobs replaced. Of course if you still want to go to work, you can.