5 Ways To Superior Leads AND Quality Prospect Engagements
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5 Ways To Superior Leads AND Quality Prospect Engagements

You know, sometimes people make the simplest things unnecessarily complex.

Why do that when there is an easier way?

Here are five simple, yet clever, tips to help you open more high-value leads and to engage more effectively with your prospects and customers. Who wouldn't want that?

So, without further ado:

1. Make Your Value Propositions Buyer-Focused

a purple cow in a field of brown cows

This one may sound complicated, but it really isn't.

Think about how YOU would choose a product or a services provider.

What do you want to know first and foremost?

Do you really want to know how long ago the business was started? How many staff it has? Which locations it has offices in?

No, you don't.

What you want to know is this:


What's In It For Me?

Surely, at the very least you’d want to know whether their product or service suits your needs, that it does for you what you want it to do, whether it within your budget and whether there is a good cultural fit for both parties.

So, don't lead your sales engagements by talking about your business, your products or your service features. Avoid value propositions that are all about you and what you do.

Instead, it needs to be all about what your customers get out of buying from you.

Here is a tip for you:

I teach my clients to start their value proposition with:

"Our customers tell us that they (insert benefit here) from us."

Using this method, you will not be tempted to talk about yourself and bore your prospect to death, but you will be amazed how many of your prospects will want to know more about you and your products or services.

In summary:

In summary: Switch from selling your products and services, to selling the outcomes.

Your customers will thank you with their purchase orders.

Next is Tip Number 2...


2: Define Your Ideal Buyer Personas In At Least 4 Ways

a lady raising a finger

Being crystal clear on who your ideal customers are, will open two new streams of leads for you:

  • Your outbound prospecting will be more efficient, as you are engaging with the exact contacts who are likely to be interested in what you are selling.
  • Your inbound prospecting will also be more efficient, as your ideal customers will know that your products or services are right for them.

In other words: Make it easy for your ideal customers to down-select you as their vendor of choice.

Here are four simple criteria you can start to define them by:

  • Their industry (i.e. what vertical market or industry are they in?)
  • Their business size (i.e. how big or small are they, e.g. by headcount or revenue?)
  • Their geography (i.e. where are they located?)
  • Their job title (i.e. what roles are they in?)
  • Their corporate function or department name (e.g. Marketing)


That's it for the first two tips.

There are three more sales success techniques waiting for you.

Now see the other three.
download all five sales success techniques here

Here's to your selling success!

Peter Strohkorb

Peter Strohkorb

Peter Strohkorb?is the Founder and Principal of?Peter Strohkorb Sales Advisory, the international Sales Modernization firm with a growing list of clients in the b2b services and tech space in the USA, in Australia, and in the UK.

Our motto is "Sell Smarter, Not Harder", and that is exactly what we deliver to you, our clients. Let's have a chat about your sales.

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Peter Strohkorb

Voted Top 27 Sales Advisor, globally, Learn from my 25+ Years B2B Sales Expertise, Trust my 100+ LI Recommendations | 2 x Book Author, Salesforce-endorsed SalesBlazer | ?? You want more Sales? -> Take the below Test! ??

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