5 Clear Signs a Deceased Loved One is Near You

5 Clear Signs a Deceased Loved One is Near You

The death of a loved one is excruciating. To help ease your pain, we will show you?5 clear signs a deceased loved one is near you. Losing someone is always tragic and heart-wrenching. But did you know that a departed loved one can communicate with you? Think about this; why do people say a loved one is looking down on them?Or that they know that even though a loved one passed away, they are proud of them?

That’s because, in many cases, dead loved ones show up in one way or another. If you try to be extra observant, chances are you’ll identify these instances when a loved one reaches out to you. By now, you might also wonder,?do the dead know we miss and love them? We’ll answer that for you. In this article, we’ll also look at?5 clear signs a deceased loved one is near you. And get to know?what is a mediumship?reading and its role in connecting you with lost souls.

When a Departed Loved One is Watching Over You

The?5 clear signs a deceased loved one is near you?don’t only appear to psychics and mediums. They are also noticeable to authors, ordinary people, spiritual people, and even non-believers. It’s not uncommon to hear talk of seeing ghosts or feeling a presence in a particular room.

Psychic medium readings?have shown that it’s common for people to feel a deceased loved one near after dying. Sometimes you walk through your door into your home, and you have an immediate feeling that someone has been in your house. Burglary victims often say that even before seeing the signs, walking into their home raised their hair or gave them goosebumps. As if something was off or had been tampered with.

If you have been fortunate and not had a burglary, then you have likely experienced foreign energy in your house. For example, someone with a key to your place stopped by to drop off a package. In all these instances, you often ‘feel’ their presence before you can see the physical evidence. This same sensation of a person’s presence occurs when a deceased loved one ‘shows up.’ One account by an Astrologer and meditation teacher details how she felt her dad’s presence every day for over a year after he passed on.

Although the frequency has decreased ten years down the line, she still feels her dad’s presence sometimes. The Astrologer, who also conducts?psychic medium readings, says that our loved ones are looking out for us from the spirit world. And that they want us to find closure, clarity, and the guidance we need to live fully. By all accounts, this answers the question?do the dead know we miss and love them. Yes. They are around you and understand what you’re feeling.

Common Signs That a Departed Loved One is Contacting You

The spirit realm is an energetic one. That means you must be on the right vibrational frequency to connect with it. When your vibration is just right, the spirit gets a window to communicate to the physical world and you.

1. Deceased Loved Ones Visiting in Dreams

Deceased loved ones visiting in dreams?is a popular mode of communication between the living and the dead. But how do you tell a visitation or psychic vision from an ordinary dream? According to?WebMD?and?Sleep.org, you?dream between 4 and 10 times each night.

But even with so many dreams, when you wake up, you remember only a few of the dreams you had the previous night. Instances of?deceased loved ones visiting in dreams?are slightly different – they are so vivid that they are memorable long after waking up.

Dreams have classifications. A dream as vivid as that of a visitation?from a departed soul falls under the lucid category. Lucid dreams are also known as visions. These are often the types of dreams that stir you to wake in the middle of the night. Sometimes, you might subconsciously be aware of?deceased loved ones visiting in dreams. However, you won’t necessarily recognize it consciously.

2. Psychic Medium Readings Clarify Electrical Current Meanings

I used to see this particular sign many times as a child in movies. Still, little did I know that spirits communicate using electrical currents even in real life. For the longest time, people have reported a shift in electrical energy when a loved one visits you. That presence manifests itself sometimes in the flickering of lights. But because of how effortlessly spirits can manipulate electricity, they do more than trigger a flicker in lights. Over many?psychic medium?readings, it has become clear that other signs show deceased loved ones communicating. Like strange phone calls and uncanny songs or channels on the stereo are some of the ways spirits communicate with us.

The stereo might even turn on by itself and start playing a song with a significant connection to the departed. Or the sign might be an electrical malfunction that is hard to explain logically. Either way, paying attention to weird electrical phenomena may help you catch that message from your loved one on the other side.

3. Do the Dead Know We Miss and Love Them? Yes, and They Send Signs & Symbols

Signs come from the dead because they know we miss and love them. There are many forms, including numbers and symbols. Those signs and symbols often start appearing more than once and repetitively. They become what Carl Jung termed synchronicity. But first, what is synchronicity?

According to Carl Jung, it’s “a meaningful coincidence of multiple events where something other than the likelihood of chance is involved.” In other words, when the same signs keep coming up, it goes beyond luck and chance. At this point, you realize that this has transitioned into a realm beyond the physical. These synchronicities become a medium.Through which our unconscious mind and higher self is receiving messages from beyond.

This can be unnerving, but experiencing it means that you can explore the meaning and significance of these coincidences in your life as a whole.

4. You Can Sense Your Deceased Loved One

Another of the?5 clear signs a deceased loved one is near you?is your senses, which can come in many forms. Among them is the sense of smell. Have you ever entered a room and caught even the tiniest waft of a fragrance you associate with a deceased loved one? Like they are nearby? Some people have a unique smell that makes us remember them. It can be from cologne or perfume. There have even been reports of?people smelling a departed’s favorite food or cigarette smoke in some instances. Other times, you might feel like a deceased loved one is in your presence. Of course, you can’t touch them or lay a finger on from where exactly that feeling comes. But it happens frequently and is often a turning point for most skeptics.

Sometimes, a departed loved one can manifest their presence through an energy shift or an inexplicable physical shift of an object. Although this one is less common, touch is another recognizable?psychic medium?sensation when deceased loved ones are visiting. Contact might feel like hugs, hair brushing, taps, or holding hands. Often, this is a gesture meant to give you a sense of calm. It’s the spirit communicating. They are telling you that everything is going to be okay.

5. The?Last of the 5 Clear Signs a Deceased Loved One is Near You is Seeing a Cardinal

This last of the?5 clear signs a deceased loved one is near you?is the most well-known one. This quote has been around for years: “Cardinals appear when angels are near.”

Cardinals represent that you have a visitor from heaven. There is loads of meaning behind this pretty red bird. Click here to?learn all about cardinals. It’s common to hear someone mention that they saw a cardinal after someone they love dies. If a cardinal appears outside your window or near you, it’s trying to get your attention. Your loved one is reminding you of the times you had together! They want you to know they are with you. You’re not alone.

Are All These a Guarantee That a Deceased Loved One is Visiting?

While these are some of the universal signs that a deceased loved one is visiting, they are only a few possible signs. And even then, they are not always easy to notice. Recognizing or identifying real signs of communication from the spirit world sometimes takes silence and stillness. While some people can easily experience it, others have so much emotional pain that it’s hard to spot these subtle signs from beyond.

A message from a deceased loved one can sometimes be a challenge to translate. Connecting the dots to decipher the message is a matter of thinking back to your time together. Old habits you two kept or little special moments are sometimes signs. At times though, it seems impossible to decipher what they are trying to tell you.

Are there Mediums Near Me?

The question you might be asking when you suspect a deceased loved is reaching out is, are there?mediums near me? If there are, you might choose to book a reading with one.

It is common to have?psychic medium?readings?to determine what the deceased love one wants to tell you. Fortunately, you won’t have to ask, “Are there?Mediums Near Me?” This question isn’t common anymore because most choose to do a phone or chat reading with a?psychic medium.

Most quality?psychic medium?readings?are done through psychic websites now. That allows instant answers 24/7. When you feel strongly connected to your deceased loved one – the energy is right, so instant readings are ideal.

But first …

The Difference Between Psychic and Medium

Although there’s a?difference between psychic and medium, the two are somewhat similar. But then what exactly does it mean to be a psychic or medium? Can somebody be one without being the other? Understanding the?difference between psychic and medium?will help you choose who will best help you make sense of the message from a departed loved one.

Who is a Psychic?

A psychic is an individual with the ability to receive messages through a higher power. And in other instances, through intuition. A psychic can also ‘read’ an individual’s energy, past, and future. When you have a psychic reading, there are tools that a psychic will use to help them get in touch with and interpret the message.

The tools include:

  • Tarot cards
  • Crystals
  • Runes
  • Intuition only

These help the psychic tune into the spirit’s vibrational frequency that is sending the message. This way, the?psychic medium?can get it clear. A psychic will tune into your energy as well to receive and relay the correct information.

Typically, the psychic will pick up on an individual’s current situation, future developments, and life in general. Consider the insights you get from a psychic reading as advice and guidance for a different perspective on your life. Finally, only you have the power to decide how you take in and implement the guidance you receive.

Who is a Medium?

The?difference between psychic and medium?is that while you can be a psychic only, you have to be a psychic first to be a medium. In other words, every medium is a psychic. So, what qualifies a psychic to be a medium?

A medium must be able to communicate with the dead. So, if you are wondering if the dead know we miss and love them, a medium can answer this by helping you reach out. When you get a?psychic medium?reading, the medium communicates with the spirits related to or surrounding the individual.

In return, they can get a clear message to help you find comfort or closure, essentially easing the grieving process.

Who is a Psychic Medium?

With the above understanding of who a psychic and who a medium is, what does a?psychic medium?do? A?psychic medium?works on two fronts:

  • Offering advice and guidance on life in general
  • Relaying information from the deceased to the living to offer comfort, relief, and make sense of communication from the spirit world

Psychic mediums are excellent for looking to find a clear path in life. And heal from emotional wounds and grief of losing a loved one.

What is a Mediumship Reading/Channeling?

When you see signs that a deceased loved one is near you, it’s common to look for a way to gain a connection. Through the research of “what is a mediumship” you’ll have a better understanding. Mediumship is a process through which a soul from the spirit world uses a human instrument (a medium) to pass a message to individuals in the physical world.

When a spirit is trying to communicate, paranormal activities cause shifts in energies. It is these occurrences that a mediumship reading seeks to clear up for the living. But even mediums have different abilities. For instance, a clairsentient?psychic medium?can sense, feel what they looked like, and tell the personality type a spirit had.

Some?psychic mediums can see the spirits using what’s commonly referred to as the third eye. These?psychic mediums are known as clairvoyants. There are also clairaudient?psychic mediums who can communicate with the spirit through sound. A clairaudient can hear a spirit talking to them either through their ears or their mind.

For the spirit to communicate with a medium, the spirit has to lower its vibrational frequency.While the medium raises theirs. The two can then get in touch and pass their messages to and from each other. The medium then becomes the channel through which the spirit can communicate with the living.

When is a Deceased Loved One More Likely to Reach Out?

Typically, it’s easier to connect with a loved one who’s passed on within the first 48 hours of their passing. After 48 hours, they go into healing mode – where they move further from their physical body and separate themselves from life on earth. And transition to the spirit world. The time it takes for the deceased to make the transition depends on what they need to detach themselves from. If they experienced a lot of emotional and physical trauma on earth, the detachment takes longer.

While in the healing chambers, it is typically impossible to connect with the departed. Often, this phase might be anywhere between 1 to 4 weeks. Which is how long you would wait to request a medium to initiate the connection with them. There is a stronger connection between the living and the departed during significant dates. These could be birthdays or anniversaries of their deaths etc. This is why these periods are the most likely time for the spirits to communicate with the living.

Not Seeing any of the 5 Clear Signs a Deceased Loved One is Near You? You Can Reach Out to Them

Technically, even if you have not identified any of the?5 clear signs a deceased loved one is near you, you can reach out to them first. Have you ever had a hunch of how your partner, parent, or sibling feels even without being around or seeing them? Or maybe you have thought about someone and then met them on the next street corner or received a text or call from them.

When we think about an individual, we send a ripple into the universe and an energy shift that alerts them of our thoughts. They don’t know the exact thoughts we are thinking, but they feel that someone is thinking about them. The same thing happens with spirits. Thinking about a lost loved one sends an electromagnetic pulse into the universe. The stronger your feelings and thoughts are towards the individual you are thinking about, the easier it is for them to receive the energy you project to the universe.

If the energy you project is right, the chances are that the spirit will try to reach out too. What if I want to communicate with a lost loved one more often? Fortunately, you can take specific steps to make it easier for the deceased to communicate with you when they want to. Here are four.

1.?Get Your Electronics

As you read earlier, one of the best ways for spirits to communicate with the living is by manipulating electrical energy and frequencies. Setting up an area that is dense with electronics gives spirits a channel to initiate communication. Just ensure to power on the electronics.

2.?Meditate or Try a Psychic Medium

Meditation is one of the best ways to raise your vibrations and alter your consciousness. When in a deep meditative state and higher vibrations, you create the opportunity for a spirit to communicate. While hard for a beginner, a veteran meditator can attempt to invite in a departed loved one. Veterans tune their minds to the highest vibration possible. But don’t blame yourself or push yourself too hard if you try unsuccessfully. If you must get in touch with a loved one that has crossed over, you can always seek the?services of a?psychic medium.

3. Items with Sentimental Value to Contact the Dead

Certain keepsakes retain energy from their dead owners and make excellent attraction tools. When trying to get in touch with a dead loved one, think about their favorite accessories or items. These can be jewelry, watches, photographs, or even their favorite blanket. Having one of these items in your presence or even wearing or using it might trigger a response from the individual spirit you want to summon.

4.?Invite those who Have Passed Away to the Table

There’s no invitation that’s warmer than an invitation to sit at the table. In some cultures, it is usual to pour a drink on the ground, known as a libation, for the departed. So, when you are trying to get in touch with a loved one, setting a place at the table is a great way to invite them in. For the best results, ask them to send you a message. You never know until you try.

How Do I Handle a Message from a Loved One that Passed Away if I’m Anxious?

Communicating with a spirit can make you anxious, especially if it’s your first time experiencing it. Most fear that it might be dangerous, but nothing dangerous can happen. So, what do you do when you get overwhelmed, and fear and doubt creep in as the spirit starts communicating? Clapping your hands three times with intention or grabbing and burning some sage will help disperse the spirit.

The messages you receive might also not be what you expect. But we always advise that you approach mediumship with an open mind. For instance, you might pick up death, but that often symbolizes a rebirth – talk about cryptic messages.

If you don’t have any sage to dispersed the spirit, you can use the mind and visualization’s potent power to keep you safe. Visualize being in a bubble, which would be your shield against any mishaps. Then, imagine growing roots and being grounded to the earth.

But when all is said and done, it’s important to remember that your interpretation of the message you receive might not be accurate. Until you speak to an experienced?psychic medium, avoid jumping to conclusions.

How Do I Find Mediums Near Me?

Today, finding a medium near you is one of the easiest things you can do. Thanks to technology, you don’t even need to leave your house to get a medium near you.

Over the past few years, the most popular way of getting in touch with a?psychic medium?has been through the phone or chat. Over the recent past, COVID-19 has changed how people interact, making virtual consultations the safest bet for your family’s health and safety.

Unlike before, you no longer have to waste time commuting to look for a medium. Instead, you can book and attend a?psychic medium?reading over chat or call from the comfort of your home. For quality?psychic medium?readings, try?www.predictmyfuture.com

God does not look favourably upon those who delve into the Occult.

Michael Ghee MPH, PMP

Project Manager II at Rutgers University

1 年

I never really believed this stuff but when my dad died, 45 days later in his house, this globe light turned on by itself. Never saw that happen because I never used that light ever. I thought somebody was in the house (break in) since I was living there alone after his death. Did not know what to make of it.

Diana McQuady

Creative Writer, Teacher, Visual Artist, and Business/Financial Professional. MFA, MPS, MBA, CPA

1 年

Thanks for this. ??????????


Unemployed at not in a company

1 年

I lost five members of my family i loved them so very much my recent loss was my Gran i feel so devastated she brought me up since i was a baby i have had a visit from her the day she passed she was standing by my settee that night. is it possible i will have another visit from her or maybe another family member not all my relatives came back but i have had signs. but not for i while why have they stopped have they forgotten about me? My name is Endeavour

Susan Oskvarek

Account manager/ Marketing specialist/ Freelance writer/Healthcare representative

2 年

On the morning my ex husband passed, I was of course distraught and crying and I had to go to work right after I went and said goodbye to his body after his soul had left. I had been at the hospital for the prior six months often since I still loved him and had four kids with him being married for twenty years. I was driving and to the front right of my windshield I saw two cardinals flying together. It made me feel comforted and I was hoping it was a sign that he will always be with me in this life and in our next incarnate


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