5 Chinese Phrases about 龙(lóng) Loong

5 Chinese Phrases about 龙(lóng) Loong

Happy new year of dragon! Oh, I should say happy new year of Loong! We officially change the English translation from dragon to Loong this year. The same pronunciation as the Chinese word 龙(lóng) . So this year is 龙年(lóngnián). I would like to introduce you 5 Chinese phrases about 龙(lóng).

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This 龘龘(dádá) isn’t a common Chinese word. But it’s quit popular this year for a new year wish. It originally describes the way Loong flies. Because dragons are a symbol of auspiciousness in Chinese culture, it is very auspicious to see dragons flying in the sky. In addition, this character is composed of three traditional Chinese character 龍(lóng). So there are six Loongs in this phrase. The number six in Chinese means smoothly and successfully. Six Loongs are certainly more auspicious.



This phrase is often used as new year wish too. 龙马精神(lóngmǎjīngshén) dragon and horse spirit. It refers to the vigorous and upward spirit and appearance of a person, just like the Loong and horse, full of energy and vigor.



Prosperity brought by the Loong and the phoenix, Feng. Traditionally, we believe that Loong represent honorable male; Phoenix or Feng represents honorable female. So you often see this 龙凤呈祥(lóngfèngchéngxiáng) pattern in traditional Chinese wedding decorations.



Literally means Loong flying and phoenix or feng dancing. It is a phrase that can be used to describe handwriting, especially Chinese calligraphy, is beautiful and smooth like Loong flying and phoenix dancing. Sometimes, I can also be used to describe handwriting difficult to recognize because someone wrote it too fast.



This phrase is based on a Chinese ancient legend story, also known as 鲤鱼跳龙门(lǐyútiàolóngmén) "carp jumping over the dragon gate", the carp(a type of fish living in the Yellow River) jumping over the dragon gate and transforming into a dragon. It refers to successful events such as the pass an important examination, get promotion and career success.


Zhù nǐ xīnnián kuàilè, lóngnián dàjí, zài xīnde yìnián lǐ lóngxíngdádá, lóngmǎjīngshén, gōngzuò hé xuéxí dōu néng yúyuèlóngmén gèng jìn yíbù!


I wish you a happy New Year and a good luck in the Year of Loong. Wish you can make progress in your work and study!?


Manfred Huschka 曼飞

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What is a "Loong"? I never heard of such a word before



