5 Changes You Can Expect from CoCreate Work in 2023

5 Changes You Can Expect from CoCreate Work in 2023

5 Changes You Can Expect from CoCreate Work in 2023

2022 was a truly abundant year for CoCreate Work in every way possible, and we could not be more grateful!

We co-created alongside amazing clients, helping them pave the way in creating the #FutureOfWork, traveled quite a bit, and launched our podcast, The CoCreate Work Podcast.

Although 2022 was abundant, for me, personally, it was challenging in terms of my health with a chronic illness (Multiple Sclerosis, MS). I also spent 20 days of my sabbatical in isolation because I caught COVID in January 2023, but this gave me a lot of time for reflection, self-exploration, taking workshops on travel, and visioning.

During this time I had a few epiphanies about the next steps for CoCreate Work in 2023!

Intensives and Workshops for Business Owners

At CoCreate Work, we are passionate about systems, and building the #FutureOfWork. This is why we are expanding our trainings so we can help more people build inclusive cultures, as well as teach and consult on them. 

We want to support more people, no matter their role within a business/team - or their industry. We want MORE people doing this work because we believe this will create the #FutureOfWork!

Here are some of the things CoCreate Work is rolling out this year:

  • An inclusive culture certification  - this is for business owners, coaches, and consultants who want the tools and framework to create an inclusive culture in their companies, and coaches and consultants who offer similar strategies to their own clients. We will be launching this certification in Fall 2023 - get on the waitlist to know when we’re live!
  • Leadership intensives - For small business owners, CEOs, and their teams that want to build workplaces with intention and need an outside consultant to bring in new models of working that are inclusive and unique to their culture and systems. You can get in touch about Intensives & Workshops with us starting… now!
  • Systems-level work - For business owners and leaders who want to create sustainable business practices so they can grow their team, sustain their business growth or work more efficiently and effectively. You can get in touch about systems-level consulting with us now!

Leadership development for ALL

This brings us to something we feel extremely passionate about at CoCreate Work - leadership development for all. 

I truly believe that leadership is a skill, and it's one that you can nurture, develop and grow. Everyone can benefit from leadership skills, no matter your ‘title’ or role in the company. We provide leadership training and development for you and your team at all levels - from CEO/leader to employees with no/some managerial responsibilities. 

We want to have more people do this work, more people building inclusive cultures at every level, and we want more people thinking and executing as a leader at every level.

Centering well-being

When you work with CoCreate Work you WILL feel better. Yes, that is a flex ??

We prioritize well-being and wellness for leaders, teams, and companies as a whole - this is a non-negotiable for us.

This decision to center well-being and wellness is influenced by my own journey as a business owner with a chronic illness, as well as, some of our clients who have had personal and/or family health challenges throughout 2022.

We believe that when leaders center their well-being, the impact is tenfold. 

Here are some examples of how we’re centering well-being at CoCreate Work:

  • Creating supportive systems so our team can take sabbatical - to rest, play, and create outside of work.
  • We are trialing a 4-day work week, taking Fridays off - and so far, so good!
  • Prioritizing personal appointments before anything work-related (ie: doctor’s appointments)

A gentle reminder, well-being looks and feels different for everyone at different times of their business and life. It’s important to check in with your team and yourself about what you (and they) need.

Cultivating grounded-ness

We're not just good at systems, wellness, and leadership - grounded-ness is in the DNA of CoCreate Work!

Last year, we were experimenting with a lot of things and I feel like this year is the year we will get to really show you CoCreate Work’s personality, our work, and how fun it is to partner with us (and the deep work that gets done at the same time).

For us, grounded-ness looks like building more sustainability for myself, the team, as well as, for our clients.

One way we stay grounded is by blocking a week out of the month where we don’t take any calls. We use this week to do deep work for the business - planning services and offers, marketing, launches, and systems.

This allows us to focus, helps us not to over-extend ourselves, and allows us to keep a bird’s-eye-view of the business at all times.

Lifestyle AND work

In the past, it was normal to divorce who you are with what you do and that's kind of what we were doing last year. That didn't sit well with me, it's not what CoCreate Work is. We want to embrace who we are, and so this year we will be integrating more of our personalities into CoCreate Work. 

That looks like 

  • Sharing our latest purchases - personally, I've invested in my Oura ring to help me keep track of my health. I 100% would recommend it. 
  • Our hobbies - I love reading and Vanessa, our Project Manager is big on traveling.
  • Activities for fun - Chloe, CoCreate Work’s Managing Partner & Lead Trainer, loves baking and cooking and is a pro at pickleball.

We want work to be important, but it's not our sole thing. We want to explore what it means to have a fulfilling and meaningful life and connection with the work we do in the world.

We are only three months into 2023 and this year is already feeling really good because we are more aligned with our work and the way we work. We couldn't have done it without incorporating our own lifestyle into the work that we do! 

I am so excited to share more tools, resources, and training so you can build an inclusive work environment - and we're excited to share more of who we are at CoCreate Work.

Whether you want to keep up with what we get up to this year, or you want to be kept up-to-date with our training and services, subscribe to our newsletter to be kept in the know.

If you’d like support to build the #FutureOf Work, click the link to book a call with me and learn how we can co-create together: https://calendly.com/letscocreatework/30-minute-meeting-with-la-kit


>> Enjoyed this article? I’d love it if you could share it with a fellow Leader, Visionary, or Small Business Owner in your network! 

>> Looking for more leadership advice and tips to #doworkdifferently? Subscribe to the CoCreate Work newsletter for monthly Leadership Monday notes to help you take the lead, take action, and take care as a Leader building the #FutureOfWork. Subscribe here. As a thank you, you’ll also get our 40+ Questions guide to help you ask high-quality questions for your personal and professional growth.


La'Kita Williams MSW, CPC的更多文章

