5 Bombs From 10X Growth Con 3

5 Bombs From 10X Growth Con 3

Grant Cardone's third 10X Growth Con 2019 was literally 3 times the size and magnitude as the second. Here's how your Uncle G rolls. 10X Growth Con 2017 was at the Diplomat Resort in Miami. 2500 people. 10X Growth Con 2018 was at the Mandalay Bay. 10,000 people. This year, 33,000 people in attendance at Florida Marlins Stadium. Each year Grant presents us with experts in sales, marketing and creating your ideal life.

I have had the honor to serve Grant's clients at each of these 3 events. While there I am working, yet whenever possible, I have one ear on the speakers looking for nuggets I can take with me into my year. I'm on the look out (or listen out) for the messages that resonate with me while simultaneously challenge my personal status quo. I have five for you right now. Make sure to leave a comment below about which one if your favorite and why.

“You cannot give what you don't have”

Steve Harvey said this to Grant. Immediately I started taking inventory and want to challenge you to do the same. Take out a notepad and start.

  • What do you want to give? Start with that. What do you want to give to yourself, to your family, to your community?
  • When has someone asked you for help and you had to say no because you just didn't have what they needed? How did that feel then? How does it feel now?
  • What do you want to leave? When you're gone, how will you have impacted the world?
  • Of the things you want to give, do you have enough to spare?

Come up with a plan to 10X the things you want to give. If you want to put a dent into a charity, if you want to have land and property that's in your family for generations, if you want to be a bigger donor in your church or a local community outreach, it all requires money and strong relationships and a high level of havingness. Look at how much Bill Gates gives as just one example.

“Motivation is not the cause of action it is the bi-product of action.”

This is one of two John Maxwell nuggets that was laid out. How many times have you heard someone say, "Man, I'm just not motivated!" How many times have you said that yourself? This one line totally reverses the thinking behind it. Why do we wait to get motivated to take action when taking action is the very thing that gets us motivated? If you're lacking in motivation, don't go inwards and burry yourself in a self-help book. Go out and DO something. Take some action. Finish something undone. Workout. Go outwards instead of inwards. Going 10X is about thinking bigger and going bigger. It's about doing. If you're not "motivated" start doing. This is the spark. All fires start with a spark. You taking action right now will spark your fire. Then add wood!

"There is no finish line."

Another John Maxwell gem. And let's be honest, deep down you already know this. Society has tried to dupe you over and over and maybe you even played along for a while, but we all know it's true, that there is no finish line. If you're looking for proof, consider this. The universe is an expanding universe. It's still extroverting. So if the universe ain’t done and since you’re a part of it, neither are you.  To not expand is literally to try to fight the universe and that my friends is a fight you’re just not gonna win. Your potential is untapped. What you're doing right now is the tip of the tip of the iceberg. You are, I am, we are capable of so much more.

“Age, race, sex, religion…  doesn't matter. All I want to know is, are we going to get it done?  That's what matters.”

Speaking of society trying to dupe you... here is another inconvenient truth that you must acknowledge if you are to reach your potential. Many people will have some incredibly valid and legitimate arguments to the contrary and the words "white" and "privilege" might even get thrown around but here's the bottom line, every race, sex, age, and religion has members of that group who have defied the odds and superseded their so called lot in life.

I'm going to quote David Goggins next. Granted he didn't speak at Growth Con (hopefully next year) but in his book Can't Hurt Me, he says this, "Don’t let science, logic or any other bullshit societal standard of limitation let you off the hook for not being great."

Back to taking inventory. When have you let yourself off the hook? When have you used your age, race, sex, religion or something else as an excuse for not getting it done, for not operating at your full potential? Are you going to get it done? You have a goal and a dream, are you going to get it done? What if it turned out that Oprah is no better than you? Or Gandhi? Or Mandela? Tom Cruise, one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood had dyslexia. What if Tom allowed his impediment to let him off the hook? The only difference between you and success is what you interpret as a limitation. Where as the successful just get it done. They commit, they figure it out and they make it happen. Regardless of age, race, sex, religion, handicaps, etc. Are we going to get it done?

“EVERYTHING costs money”

Grant talked a lot about execution on Sunday. If you run a company, it will cost money to train your salespeople. It will also cost you money to NOT train your salespeople. I spoke to an executive recently and asked him for one thing he knows his salespeople need to get better at. He said his people need to get better at closing deals. I asked how many deals get missed every month because of that? He wasn't sure at first but when I said, "you think everyone is missing 2-3 deals a month because of this?" He responded with, "Oh at least!" What's a deal worth in your company? For this executive, a deal is worth about $3,500 and with 12 salespeople missing 2-3 deals per month, we're talking about $126,000 per month of missed revenue.

OK, forget business for a second. It costs 1.4 million for a heart transplant and you're worried about the high prices at Whole Foods... Bottom line, as Grant simply puts, is EVERYTHING costs money. We live on an economic planet that has wealth in full abundance available to anyone who is willing to put in the time and effort to go collect it. You don't make money. The Gov does that. You want to collect it and then multiply it.

Back to business now.

Which one of these quotes are you going to put into your life and thinking? I know for me, I'm looking forward to going back and watching the recording and taking a deeper dive into the content. I grew up with worry about money and over the last few years have been able to release a lot of that and allow money to flow and pool, but as Mr Maxwell said, no finish line, so I've still got way more to do there. I also now have an even deeper understanding of Production Yields Happiness and that action sparks motivation. I am, we are, all responsible for our success, our short comings, our wins and our losses. My reality is created by me and if my reality doesn't match with what I believe it should be, then it is on me to make the necessary changes and gain the knowledge to do so. Once again, there is no finish line...

David Bradley is a Sales & Marketing Manager with Cardone Training Technologies. For more information on creating a culture of learning, development of proficiency, handling objections and real time situational training solutions, call 310-777-0352 or fire off an email to [email protected]


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