Amanda C. Watts
I help accountants & consultants productize business advisory services #ProductisedAdvisor
“There are two primary choices in life: to accept conditions as they exist, or accept responsibility for changing them.” ~Denis Waitley
I have to be completely honest with you because otherwise I could lead you down the wrong path.
Starting your own accounting firm is often not for the timid. It takes a pinch of courage, a lot of gumption and the ability to be resilient - all will play a huge part in your success.
More and more people flee their job as the allure of starting your own firm grows. But so do the myths surrounding it.
We once believed that the world was flat, and vampires lurked in the night whilst mermaids swam in our seas, and these myths had to be debunked. We now know the world is round and vampires do not exist. I personally choose to still believe in mermaids!
As well as general myths there are start-up myths that halt most aspiring firm owners and stop them from making the leap, which I can now debunk for you too.
Myth 1 - You Have To Know What You Are Doing.
You don’t actually need to know what you are doing when you start… even Steve Jobs and Richard Branson have followed their gut instincts and not always had an exact plan; they just had a general idea that something was out there. Yes, you need to build foundations for your business, but you won’t have all the answers until you get out there and start sharing what it is you are doing/want to do. Let your passion for your idea shine - you don’t have to know exactly what you are doing, just start.
Myth 2 - The Founder Should Do Every Job In The Beginning
A lot of founders tell me they don’t have enough time for customer development, sales or marketing…
Yet they spend hours each week on things like getting their website, researching pricing options and software packages or organising their Dropbox/Google Drive.
Outsourcing every task bar the one (or two) which are your sweet spot is the fastest way to get your accounting business off the ground. If you offer compliance, can you outsource it? Is there a way you can offer additional services and get others to fulfil for you, for example R&D services. (If you are wanting to get help from an R&D Specialist reach out to Ad Valorem Group)
(I tell the start-ups who join my Momentum programme to keep their day job until you have recurring income and the ground work is in place, unless of course they have a years savings to fund them and their start-up business…)
By outsourcing the things you are not great at, or don’t enjoy, you will free up your time to build relationships and get clients. You can't outsource your marketing until you know what works and what doesn't. We put together a strategy in Momentum that is easily and inexpensively outsourced once the machine is proven. If you want to get clients you need to find a way to build an audience, share your expertise and get prospects into a telephone conversation. Once you have a strategy that works you can get support/outsource.
Delegation is the key to your success and your sanity!
Myth 3 - You Have To Start At The Right Time
Nope. The only timing that will ever be right, is right now.
Entrepreneur and podcaster Pat Flynn started his first online business after the nearly simultaneous news that he was being laid off from his corporate job and that his wife was pregnant with their first child. No one would likely choose that high-anxiety period in their personal life to start a business, but life tends to take us where we need to go.
Microsoft was founded in 1975 near the end of a recession and later re-incorporated in 1981, just as the recession of the 1980s kicked off. These were two horrible times to start a business, but that hasn’t stopped Microsoft’s success.
The timing will never be right -- that’s why you need to start right now.
Myth 4 -You Have To Have A Lot Of Capital To Start
You don’t need a lot of capital to start… In fact, when I first started I had less than £100 a month on outgoings, and did a ‘contra’ for my first website. There are a lot of ways to maximise your success without a large amount of capital.
One of the best ways, as mentioned, is to start to test your service offering and get feedback, plus even sell your services before you have officially launched. Build your business 5pm – 9pm after your working hours and avoid getting yourself into massive debt and worry. If you have children and are a primary carer then build the business around the children. Digital marketing enables you to market when the kiddies are asleep or at school. You don't have to work 9-5 anymore. Which leads nicely to the final myth...
Myth 5 - You Have To Work 24/7
Well, I can’t fully debunk this myth, because although you don’t have to work 24/7, the more effort and hours you put in at the beginning, the quicker your business will take off.
But be mindful of getting burnout… If you grind yourself into the dirt day after day, you will end up cracking under the pressure and possibly halting the business before it has even got off the ground.
There will be times of intense work, but you also need to balance that with good sleep, a nutritional diet, plenty of movement and lots of fun!
Starting a business is a full contact sport, you are going to get knocked down, but you will get up again quicker if you look after yourself.
Hope this helps you on your quest to start your own accounting firm... These 5 myths are ones that I was told when I started my business and they turned out to be just that, myths.
I am sure there may be others that you have been told. I would love to know what you have been told about setting up an accounting business and becoming an "Entrepreneur".
P.S. If you are thinking of starting, or have recently started your own accounting firm and would like some help getting clients here is how you can get help:
1. Watch The 15 Minute Case Study
5 real life examples of firms that are attracting high value clients, how they are doing it, and the two things you need to focus on right now.?CLICK HERE
2. Join The Community
Our best training happens inside our FREE Facebook group Marketing For Professional Advisers.?Click Here.
3. Get The 60-minute Crash Course
On how to grow your accounting firm. In 60 minutes, I’ll share with you the key strategies that let you start and grow an accounting firm with speed.?Click Here
4. Have a Client Attraction Gameplan? Session
And if you ever want to get some 1:1 help, we can jump on the phone for a quick call, and brainstorm how we can turn on your marketing engine to get you more?leads, more sales, and more time. Click Here
Thanks for Reading
At Oompf.Global we show you the exact branding and marketing strategies needed for you to turn your accounting/business advisory services into a unique VITAL product that you effortlessly market and sell for 5 figures.
We help accounting firms go from overlooked commodities to “VITAL” assets – differentiated positioning, productised offer, unique brand, happy clients and founders with freedom.
If you would like to delve deeper into our content here are a few ways you can do that.
1. Watch our 28-minute free training on 3 ways to differentiate your accounting firm. Check it out here: https://oompf.global/decommoditized
2. Watch an overview of the power of UPLEVEL software by clicking through here: https://uplevelbyoompf.com/
3. Read about our flagship programme Momentum by clicking through here: https://oompf.global/momentum/
Therapeutic Relationship & Confidence Coach | Helping Professional Women To Decide Whether To Stay In Their Relationship Or Go | Self-Worth | Confidence | Relationships | Therapist | Coach | Author | Speaker |
5 年Great points as always Amanda!! There will be excuses and barriers... just get on with it and be open to learning!! ????