5 Biggest Cybersecurity Threats of 2019
Steven Russo
President & CEO ~ LPHC Acquisition Partners, LLC ~ Empowering Industries with Advanced Data Solutions
It’s a fact that cybersecurity is becoming one of the most crucial issues people and companies are facing over the last few years. Data breaches are more frequent and more sophisticated as time passes. There is no sign that 2019 might be better. On the contrary, hackers and cybersecurity threats are just evolving.
Even if you’re prepared or are preparing for a new year that brings new threats to data including sensitive data, client or personal data theft or identity theft; you should be aware of some of the latest security threats so you can do everything in your power to protect yourself, your company and clients.
Below, we’ve listed five major threats that are most serious in the coming year ahead.
There is no slowing down for ransomware attacks. These attacks have been some of the more frequent ones, if not the leading threat to cybersecurity. It’s popular among cybercriminals because it requires little work and when done right the return can be huge. Ransomware gains access and takes control over the computer and locks the end-user out completely unless the user pays the required sum of money, i.e. a ransom. {Read More}