5 Big Challenges Leadership Teams will face this year and next
Darren Fleming - Author Mindset Mastery
Clear the Mental Clutter - Cut the mental noise, focus on the right things at the right time, and perform without burning out
Last week I spent 2 days that the AFR Business Summit in Sydney. The big names from Government and business were discussing the challenges that they see on the horizon for Australia and the world.
The key challenges they identified were:
1. AI and Digitisation. AI will disrupt everything in ways that non AI?experts just can’t imagine.
2. Low carbon economy. As we transition to a low carbon world the economy will change massively.
3. Ageing population. As the population ages there will be fewer workers. This will impact everything from hiring staff, to tax receipts the government collects.
4. Geo-Political. What would a second Trump Presidency mean for Putin and China?
5. Private credit - credit from non-traditional, unregulated markets.
These are some pretty big problems. It could result in anything from mass unemployment across the world, through to major wars in Europe and the Pacific. That’s pretty serious.
So what’s the solution?
You and I can’t manage these issues, so all we can do is manage ourselves.
As leaders in business it means being able to maintain mental and emotional stability when the pressure starts being applied. This will position you to take advantage of what is coming.
We saw the panic that happened four years ago when lock downs started. This will be nothing compared to what will happen if Trump withdraws from NATO and encourages Putin to invade Poland.
We manage ourself by learning to be at peace in a V.U.C.A. world. It’s about knowing how to maintain mental and emotional stability when you can see that your world is being turned up side down.
This doesn’t mean being passive; it means being able to think clearly when the pressure is on so the best decisions are made. Every crisis provides an opportunity to move forward.
Will your leadership team have the mental clarity to make the best decisions at this time?
Nothing ever rolls back to the way that it was. The best way to be ready for what is coming is to prepare yourself for it. That’s where Mindset Mastery can help.
If you’d like to help your team to have the mental and emotional stability to be ready for what is on the near-term horizon, let me know - I’ve got a program that can help.