5 Best Poses of Yoga for Healthy Brain: Increase Blood Flow

5 Best Poses of Yoga for Healthy Brain: Increase Blood Flow

Our day starts with the right note when we wake up with the zest enthusiasm, happiness, and lots of energy. But most of the time we feel lethargic in the morning.

Many people just hit the snooze button and sleep again. Some drink certain stimulants like tea or coffee to feel refreshed. In any case, it is not good for health, we need to do some activity to trigger energy in our system. That is to say, people should practice?yoga for healthy brain. It will help you to overcome the lazy mode.

Let’s discuss a few effective asanas (poses of?yoga for healthy brain) that can help to boost your brain activity by improving blood circulation into the brain.

Yoga for Healthy Brain:

Effective Yoga Poses

Balasana Yoga for Healthy Brain:

Balasana is a simple technique that you can perform right in the morning for a few minutes. It increases the blood flow around your head and chest. Also, this will energize you for the day. It gives you a gentle stretch to your hips, back, thighs, and ankles which is important after a long period of inactivity.

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Here are the steps to follow while practicing balasana?yoga for a healthy brain:

  1. Sit down in vajrasana and keep your spine erect.
  2. Now, increase the distance between your knees which is about 1 foot apart.
  3. Slide your hands forward on the mat while you inhale some air.
  4. You should stretch your hands completely.
  5. Relax in this position focusing on your breath.
  6. After 1 to 2 minutes, slide your hands back and then sit straight in the starting position.

Sarvangasana Yoga for Healthy Brain:

Sarvangasana is an excellent technique because it helps to improve the circulation to your head, chest, abdomen, and entire pelvic area. Sarvangasana really nourishes your brain with more blood. It is one of the best poses of?yoga for a healthy brain.

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Other than increasing circulation to your brain, it really helps in developing the feeling of self-confidence and self-reliance.

So, to do Sarvangasana, here are the steps to follow.

  1. Lie supine on your back.
  2. Both the feet should be together and hands on the side.
  3. First, inhale fully and then raise both the legs together up while exhaling.
  4. Toes should point towards the ceiling.
  5. Knees should remain straight.
  6. Support your back with your palm and lift your entire body.
  7. Also, use your hands to support your back.
  8. The chin is set in the jugular notch.
  9. Maintain this posture for a few seconds or as long as convenient (but not longer than 2 minutes).
  10. Keep breathing slowly and naturally.
  11. Slowly bend your knees and as you inhale, lower your hips towards the mat.
  12. Release your hand from the back and assume the starting position.

Also Read:?Yoga: History, Types, And Benefits Of Yoga

Vipritkarni Yoga for Healthy Brain:

This?yoga for healthy brain?pose helps to regulate your blood flow. Also, it stretches the neck torso, and leg. There are favorable changes due to the increased interchange of blood with the upper part of our body, especially the thorax, neck, and head.

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The technique to perform Vipritkarni is mentioned below.

  1. Lie down supine on your back with your hands on your side.
  2. With the help of your hands slowly raise your legs while exhaling.
  3. Keeping the legs straight, roll your body at the back with your hands for support and maintain steadiness.
  4. While breathing normally, maintain this pose for a few seconds to 2 minutes depending on your comfort level.
  5. While inhaling gently, fold your legs again.
  6. Lower your hips with the support of your hand and then return to the starting position.

Hastapadasna Yoga for Healthy Brain:

It is an excellent forward bending pose of?yoga for healthy brain. It aids in blood circulation to your head. Also, it helps to overcome back stiffness after sleep by bringing suppleness to your spine.

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Follow these steps to perform Hastapadasan in a proper manner:

  1. Stand with your feet together and hands on the side.
  2. Now, while inhaling, raise both your arms from above your head.
  3. While exhaling, bring your both arms down to touch your toe or grasp your ankle.
  4. Keep your knees absolutely straight.
  5. Also, remember to keep your hands and head together.
  6. Note: Each and every time you do?yoga for a healthy brain, ensure that your knees are absolutely straight to get the maximum benefit.
  7. Now, while suspending your breath and keeping your knees straight, try to touch your forehead to your knees.
  8. Stay in this position for 6 seconds with the suspended breath.
  9. Or else, stay in this position while breathing normally (but not more than 2 minutes) while inhaling.
  10. Now, as you exhale, bring your hands from the side in a sweeping position to turn to the initial normal pose.

Padmasana Yoga for Healthy Brain:

It helps to bring greater awareness of your body and your breathing. It actually improves concentration as your mind remains attentive. Padmasana is a beautiful pose of?yoga for healthy brain?to remove your lethargy and activate your brain.

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Now, let’s understand the technique to do Padmasana?yoga for healthy brain:

  1. Sit on the mat and stretch out your legs straight in the front.
  2. Bend your right knee and place it on your left thigh.
  3. You can use your hands to pull your feet towards yourselves.
  4. Make sure that the right foot is placed in a way that the sole is turned upwards.
  5. Now, repeat the same with your left leg.
  6. Keep both your knees pressed to the ground as far as possible.
  7. Hold your body and see that you are totally erect with your head, neck, and whole spine straight.
  8. Place your left hand just below the navel with the palm facing upwards.
  9. Place your right hand over the left hand and the palm should be facing upwards.
  10. Keep your shoulders and hands relaxed.
  11. Sit in this position, watching your breath, and focus on the object which you have selected.
  12. Now, with the help of your hand, slowly lift your legs one at a time and bring them back to the normal position.

If there is proper circulation of blood towards the brain and throughout the body, all the cells receive proper nutrition. Once the brain is activated your entire body will feel refreshed and charged up.

So, practice this?yoga for a healthy brain?regularly to enhance blood circulation in the brain, to remove inactiveness, to keep yourself charged with energy, enthusiasm, and to live life fully.


In the conclusion,?yoga for healthy brain?increases the blood circulation in the brain. Also, it helps the brain to perform various activities to their fullest.

Moreover, enough blood flow in the head or brain will nourish and supplement the required nutrients to the brain cells and neurons. As a result, you will become more conscious, attentive, and focused. That is to say, the concentration power will increase day by day as you will practice yoga for a healthy brain.

Here are the five best poses of?yoga for healthy brain.

  1. Balasana
  2. Sarvangasana
  3. Vipritkarni
  4. Hastapadasana
  5. Padmasana


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