5 Benefits of Reading
Jon Markwardt
HCM Account Executive at Paylocity | HR Technology Enthusiast | Published Author
Social media is teaching us that living in the moment does not include reading a literary work. How many of your social media posts include a picture with a book? The sad truth is less people are reading, and we are fostering a culture of googling rather than learning from a book.
As an author, the question that perplexes me is: What happened to the enjoyment of reading a book? Our culture has dictated to society that everyone is too busy to read. I often meet people who tell me the last book they read was on audio. I'd love to debate them on this being the last book they read. But, I smile and move on.
I'm no stranger to the world we live in. If an email is too long, culture tells us to delete it, read it later or ignore it. Nothing could be so important that I need to read a novel. I'm too busy! If it's not a text message, it's not getting read.
I've had people tell me they will never read my books until they're out on audio. I smile and tell them I will let them know when the audio books are released, but this is a task I have yet to accomplish. I realize that I can't hold out on this over principle. But I want to know where the positive culture on reading went. If you are an avid reader, you are, sadly, part of an endangered species.
I grew up believing, "Butterfly in the sky. I can go twice as high. Take a look, it's in a book. A reading rainbow!" If you don't know the song I'm referencing, Reading Rainbow was an American television program that encouraged kids to read while preaching the benefits and fun of picking up a book. While the show was cancelled in 2006, it's needed now more than ever as our computerized society casts books off as unnecessary.
To help in my mission to encourage others to read, I am highlighting five benefits of reading.
- Creativity -Because no author is exactly alike, reading teaches us endless perspectives and formulas to explain similar situations. While leadership books might share similar concepts, reading ten of them will give you insight on how ten different authors view the subject matter. Understanding these different illustrations provide the reader with greater creativity to generate their own solution to a mundane problem or event.
- Empathy -By reading, you start to see additional viewpoints of those around you. And a benefit of the doubt can generally be given. Whether it be by identifying with fictional characters or furthering your knowledge and insight through factual readings, empathy is proven to grow with those who read. Regardless of your intention, reading will allow you to operate more fluently in society.
- Flexibility -If you're sick of being stubborn, challenge your vocabulary with a new read. By viewing and understanding new words in a different context, our brains learn the ability to see there is more than one solution for each problem. So, if you have a friend that is only able to see things as black and white, buy them a book to see the gray.
- Confidence -In a couple hundred pages, you have the ability to transform into an expert on the read. Sharing the plot of a fictional novel with a friend elevates each of us into a story telling position. And a self-help book propels others forward as you share the knowledge you've learned. Books not only advance our knowledge but give us the swagger of becoming the master on any topic we choose to read.
- Brain Function -Studies revolved around reading have shown the brain is more active in it's resting stage after finishing a book. While the psychological benefits have historically been clear, this biological prosperity is confirming the health benefits.
From a psychological and biological perspective, reading is beneficial to us all. Stop telling everyone that you are too busy to pick up a book. If it's not for one of the five reasons above, know self-development is the greatest way to further your career and status amongst your peers. Do it for your future, yourself and me. Happy reading my friends!
Jon Markwardt believes the only way to get the greenest grass on the block is to water your own. If you'd like to read one of the books in his series The Grass Is Browner on the Other Side, you can purchase both copies on Amazon with the link below.
Markwardt incorporates his own travel and adventure into his books to make the business concepts more memorable and fun. Join him on your own excursion as a chapter a day will increase your pay!