5 Benefits of Offering Free Shipping on Your E-commerce Site
ESOLS Technologies
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A few years ago, Amazon made a big splash by announcing their two-day free shipping program.?Before that, you had to pay for shipping on Amazon—but now you can get your order in two days for no extra cost. As an e-commerce site owner, this change may have made you stop and ask yourself if offering free shipping is a good idea for your business. After all, what good is it to be able to ship orders quickly if customers don't want them? That's where we come in: We'll explain why free shipping benefits both shoppers and businesses alike!
It helps to create a sense of urgency.
You can also use free shipping as a way to create a sense of urgency. For example, if you're running a sale on an item that has been in high demand, you could offer free shipping for the first 10 orders or even just during the first hour that it's available. Or maybe you want people to buy more items from your site so they'll spend more money overall? In that case, offer free shipping on items with low costs (like clothing) or high profit margins (like electronics).
Free shipping can distinguish your brand.
Free shipping can help you stand out from your competitors. It can build trust with customers and loyalty, differentiate your brand and create a memorable experience.
If you're selling products online, then free shipping is an important part of your marketing strategy--especially if you're trying to compete against other ecommerce sites that do offer it. But why? Because free shipping lets people know that they won't have to pay extra for their purchase at checkout.
In fact, according to one study by Shopify (a platform used by many online retailers), 74% of shoppers say they'll abandon their carts if there isn't any indication that shipping will be free or discounted during checkout.*
Even if someone doesn't buy directly from you but instead goes elsewhere after seeing what kind of offers are available on different websites, there's still potential value here: If someone sees the same item priced higher than yours but includes free delivery while yours doesn't include it yet still costs less overall due to lower prices elsewhere on other products within their cart... well then maybe next time around those two variables will change!
It can boost your search results.
Free shipping is a great way to stand out from the competition and get more organic traffic on your e-commerce site. A study by iModerate found that when retailers offered free shipping, they saw an average increase of 9% in search results.
This means that if you offer free shipping, you're likely going to see an increase in the number of people who click through from Google or other search engines--and therefore buy something from you!
It makes it easier for customers to buy online.
Offering free shipping is one of the best ways to make your site more appealing. With so many online retailers competing for customers, offering free shipping can help you stand out from the crowd and win over shoppers who may otherwise have been reluctant to spend their hard-earned money with you.
Free shipping also makes it easier for customers to buy online because they don't need to worry about paying for shipping costs if they forget or don't want them added onto their purchase price. This type of convenience makes it easier for people who are new at buying products online--for example seniors or people with disabilities who might not be comfortable making purchases without being able to physically inspect items before buying--to feel confident in making a purchase from your ecommerce site (and hopefully become repeat customers).
Free shipping can encourage repeat business.
Free shipping helps to create a sense of urgency: When you offer free shipping, your customers will want to buy now because they don't want to miss out on their freebie. This creates an environment where they feel like they're missing out if they don't purchase immediately, which can boost conversions and get you more sales overall.
It makes it easier for customers to buy online: Offering free shipping means that people won't have any reason not to buy from your site--and if they do want something right away, then there's no need for them go anywhere else because all of their needs are being met by one place! This makes it much easier than ever before (and keeps people coming back) since nothing else matters except getting what was ordered delivered straight into their hands without having paid anything extra beforehand."
Offering free shipping can help you stand out as a brand and increase sales.
Offering free shipping can help you stand out from the competition and increase sales. You need to be careful about how you offer free shipping, though, as well as what types of products you choose to include in the promotion.
Free shipping helps you stand out from your competitors: In today's market, many e-commerce sites are offering various types of deals that their customers can take advantage of in order to drive sales and increase revenue. Offering free shipping is one way that many companies differentiate themselves from each other because it gives shoppers something extra they won't get elsewhere (and often at no extra cost).
It increases sales:
By offering an additional incentive such as free delivery or returns on top of already low prices or discounts, customers may feel more inclined to make an impulse purchase knowing they won't have any additional costs associated with making their purchase decision easier on themselves!
Offering free shipping can be a great way to boost sales and increase repeat customers. It can also be a great way to differentiate yourself from the competition, especially if you're an online store. Sometimes it's all about offering the best value for your customers and giving them a reason to come back again!