5 Benefits of Getting a Vitamin B12 Shot
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5 Benefits of Getting a Vitamin B12 Shot

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Vitamins are organic molecules that are essential for healthy human growth, development and body function. Unlike the other classes of food, vitamins are needed in small quantities, but that does not in any way undermine their importance. Vitamins are very important and if the body does not get the adequate amount of each type, it can lead to ill-health and abnormal functioning of body tissues and organs. So I think it is safe to say that vitamins are SMALL BUT POWERFUL.

There are 13 different types of vitamins required by human metabolism. Some of these vitamins can be synthesized by the body and the others are supplied through diet and supplements. Now here is what I think you might be thinking right now: ‘Oh, my body can synthesize vitamins and I think I always eat good food, that means I don’t need to worry about vitamin deficiency or about how to get the adequate amount of vitamins’ If that is what you are thinking, I am thrilled to inform you that you are not absolutely correct. Did you just say WHY? Well, you are not absolutely right because the fact is the body either does not produce enough vitamins or the diet does not supply enough. 

Vitamins perform specific roles in the body; some of them perform very important roles that cannot be performed by other vitamins. These vitamins are so essential that you cannot afford to joke with them. One of them is Vitamin B12

Vitamin B12?

Yes, vitamin B12. Vitamin B12, also called Cobalamin, is the vitamin the body needs for energy and to make red blood cells, DNA and nerves. In other words, for the circulatory system, digestive system, muscular system, and nervous system to function at the optimum, vitamin B12 must be available and must be adequate. 

Most times, the symptoms of vitamin B12 deficiency does not appear quickly; however, the deficiency can intensity over time and lead to the following symptoms:

  • a) Fatigue
  • b) Pale skin
  • c) Anemia
  • d) Swollen tongue
  • e) Memory loss
  • f) High temperature
  • g) Walking difficulty
  • h) Tingling sensations in the hands and legs
  • i) Breathlessness
  • j) Heart palpitation
  • k) Blurred vision

Are you having the risk of Vitamin B12 Deficiency?

Strict vegetarians, people who have had intestinal surgery, and the elderly are the groups of people who are more at risk. Vegetarians are at risk of Vitamin B12 deficiency because they consume food from plants - plants do not make vitamin B12. However, if you do not want any of the aforementioned symptoms, you need to take the right step.

Vitamin B12 Shot (Cyanocobalamin)

Vitamin B12 shot is the most common way to prevent or treat Vitamin B12 deficiency. The shot contains a high dosage of vitamin B12 and can effectively increase the level of vitamin B12 in anyone with a deficiency.

Benefits of Getting a Vitamin B12 Shot

1. It Helps in treatment of anemia and lowers fatigue: When the vitamin B12 is adequate, anemia is prevented or treated within turn leads to more energy and vigor.

2. Protects the heart: Adequate vitamin B12 can prevent heart diseases and heart attack.

3. Boosts memory and prevents dementia: Vitamin B12 can help in retaining the normal functioning of memory and the brain.

4. Prevents and solves the coordination problem.

5. Prevents and treats cognitive disorders.

It is also worthy of note that vitamin B12 shots help you in preventing and treating all the symptoms of its deficiency. That, I think, is a very, very big benefit.

If you need more information, visit a medical facility or contact a Primary Care Provider, Geriatrician or Nutritionist.

Article by Smart-Admin from iuventusmedcenter.com

Randal Sheppard?Check out our B12 vitamin shots here and let me know if you would like to set up an appointment!?



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