5 Beliefs That Are Limiting Your Potential

5 Beliefs That Are Limiting Your Potential

It’s 2024: are you still limiting yourself? Are you still believing that you don’t have that special something and that the world can do without your contributions? It’s time to stop. No more putting yourself down. No more saying, “I can’t do it.” No more negative thoughts in regards to yourself. Let me tell you: the only thing in the way of your wildest dreams is you. Maybe you have developed trauma or limiting beliefs from long ago, but you need to realize that there comes a point where you need to do something about all that. That point is now. Here are five beliefs that are limiting your potential, and how you can overcome them:

1. I'm Not Good Enough

This belief often stems from comparisons with others. Recognizing and appreciating your unique strengths is crucial for overcoming this issue. Everyone has something special, and that means you too! And even if you still think you’re not “good enough”, realize that you can grow and become good enough. Nothing is set in stone; you have the opportunity to move upward just like anyone else.

2. Fear of Failure

The fear of making mistakes can hold you back. Shifting your perspective to see failures as learning opportunities can help you break free from this belief. When you think about it, failure teaches us more than success does. Although success can be very exciting and rewarding, it doesn’t come with many lessons or notes. Don’t shy away from failure; by not trying at all, you are limiting your opportunities.?

3. I Don't Deserve Success

Feelings of unworthiness can sabotage your efforts. Acknowledging your accomplishments and understanding that success is a journey, not a destination, can challenge these sorts of feelings. When your mindset is filled with these thoughts of feeling unworthy and undeserving, your self-esteem plummets, leading you to never wanting to take the leap in fulfilling your potential. Give yourself a pat on the back and be proud of all the small and big achievements in your life; remember that YOU made them happen.?

4. Change Is Too Risky

A fear of change might prevent you from exploring new opportunities. Instead, embrace change as a natural part of growth. The only constant thing in this world is change; it’s always going to happen. It can feel nice and cozy in your comfort zone, but you can only stay in your zone for so long. Breaking free and trying out something different can be worth it, and even if it doesn’t, you can still say that you tried!

5. I Must Please Everyone

Seeking constant approval can hinder your authentic expression. Understanding that not everyone will agree with you or support you allows you to stay true to yourself and your goals. Do what you want to do. Go after what you want. Don’t think about anyone else’s opinion. When you focus too much on others, you lose sight of yourself. Work with what you’ve got!

These beliefs may have followed you from your childhood, teen years, and beyond, but realize that they don’t have to consume your mind forever. It is possible to move past them and reach a place of pure joy and happiness within yourself. I wish you luck in overcoming these beliefs and releasing all of your potential this year!

If any of these beliefs resonate with you, I'd love to chat! Virtually or in person (Atlanta, GA), I’m taking on new clients in 2024. Visit www.mswestcreativecoach.com/claritycall to get started.?

About LaShana West

LaShana West is a Business Therapist and Mindset Coach who helps CEOs, entrepreneurs, and creatives crush the mindset blocks that are holding them back from their full potential. She started off in corporate, serving an array of capacities from direct youth care work to overseeing staff and programs to helping with corporate wide initiatives. She spent 20 years working directly with individuals with developmental disabilities; this is where she learned the importance of having true compassion and engaging in servant leadership. She then went on to gain a wealth of experience with program restructuring, training, developing professionals, ensuring quality management processes, and mastering an evidence-based behavior modification teaching model for children and families. All of these learning opportunities have positioned her to serve and step into a new direction by helping others in the creative and entrepreneurial field. With the mental health background coupled with the business acumen, LaShana is able to help the "whole person.”

She started Accountability on Demand in 2018, becoming a full-time entrepreneur two years later. LaShana’s influence has since spread throughout the entrepreneurial field, as she has collaborated with many coaches and business owners through livestreams, podcasts, and events. Some of these life changing events have been Elevate Her Social Summit, Boss Talk Expo, Womanifest, and Spa Boss Expo. With her words, LaShana inspires and empowers women from all over to face their fears and take the leap into maximizing their potential and increasing their impact and income!?

LaShana currently lives in Atlanta, GA with her daughter, Jazmyne.


