#5 Become the best version of you :-)
Monika Susanne N?gele
mona bestAger °Hier und Jetzt ? Inspirierende Begleitung und Veranstaltungen für neue erfüllende Wege ? Hier und Jetzt gestalten wir unsere Zukunft ?
Multitasking is OUT – Deep Work Mode is IN
Dear All,
Many of you know the problem: You work and work and still get stuck. We work faster and longer to compensate for the loss of interruptions. We become impatient, forget breaks, feel rushed and controlled by others.
The brain researcher Dr. Bernd Hufnagl knows that for a long time now we have barely managed to concentrate on just a few activities per day and we lost already up to 60% of our efficiency.
How to improve?
?Manchmal ist es gut,
sich selbst alle ZEIT DER WELT ZU GEBEN
und das Leben zu verlangsamen.
(Eva Hegebarth)
Sometimes it’s good,
to give yourself all THE TIME IN THE WORLD
and slow life down.
It sounds simply and well known to return back to an efficient Singletasking by a rigorous task and time management for your routines. Agree on rules and signals with your colleagues, setting jointly priorities with a task board and be a role model. This would increase the chance of deep work with a highly concentrated activity frenzy. If you would come into a Flow, it feels good, you been more motivated and finally you increase your performance and satisfaction.
Good luck and it would need YOUR discipline for any change :-)