5 Amazing "Me-Time" Ideas To Get You Started! |在”私人专属时间“可以做的五件事!
Janine Jakob 安丽彦
High Performance for Executives and Multicultural Teams APAC-West, Training & Consulting??AI, Leadership, Mental Fitness | International Speaker | Podcaster
Many of you reading this lead busy lives. You have your career, you have your family and friends, and you have your chores… and in the midst of all these responsibilities, it’s easy to lose time for ourselves, which is really unfortunate because it’s necessary, it’s important, and you absolutely deserve it!
Watch coach Janine Jakob tell you exactly what “ME-TIME” is, and why it’s so important to have me-time in this video right now!
马上点击以下视频,Janine Jakob告诉你什么是“私人专属时间”,为什么它这么重要!
If you’re wondering how you can start spending me-time, keep scrolling and check out these 5 ideas we have to get you started right now!
Go to the movies ALONE. 独自一个去电影院。
Yes, usually we go to movies with our friends, our partner(s), or family. In fact, some people might think going to the movies alone is sad and lonely, but the truth is, there’s something nice about going to the movies by yourself. You get to choose the movie you and you only want to watch, you get to pick where you want to sit, and you don’t have to share your snacks with anyone else!
Visit a museum or art gallery. 去逛博物馆和艺术展。
Going about a museum or an art gallery by yourself can be very calming (and informative). You can explore different art pieces of artifacts at your own pace, you can choose the exhibits you are interested in, and you can really focus on helping yourself grow in the way you want to.
Take a long drive by yourself. 自己开车兜风。
If you own a car, this is for you. Drive towards a new direction without a map while listening to your favorite tunes or podcast. If you live right in the middle of the city, head towards a quieter part of town where there’s less traffic so you aren’t constantly bombarded by red lights and pedestrians.
Practice your photography skills. 玩摄影。
In this day and age, everyone takes pictures - I mean, we literally have a camera with us at all times! So for your me-time session, get yourself out there, and sharpen your photography skills. Read up some basic photography tips online, and push yourself out there to take amazing pictures of people or landscapes so that when you do travel, you’ll be able to take great pictures instantly.
在这个时代,人人都喜欢拍照 - 我们现在每人随身都有可以拍照的手机。所以在你的私人专属时间,你可以在外面逛逛并且提升你的拍照技术。在网上看看一些教程,鼓励自己在外面拍一些路人照和风景照,到你真正去旅行的时候,你的拍照技术自然会派上用场。
Take a class. 学一门课程。
If you have a couple of hours to spare during the week, invest in yourself by taking up a class on something that interests you. Whether it’s something physical and active, like kickboxing, or something more calm and intellectual, such as a creative writing course. For self-development courses, come try out coach Janine Jakob's "21-Day Change Challenge" to become a better you!
如有你每周都有几个小时的空闲时间,可以去学一门你感兴趣的课程。可以是体力运动,比如踢拳课,或是一些脑力运动,比如创意写作课。对于自我发展课程,来试试Janine Jakob教练的“21天改变挑战”来成为一个更好的你!
Even if you can’t implement these ideas, or that you’re simply not interested, what’s important is that you take this day by day. Start by taking time in each day or every other day to do what you really want to do - whether it’s just 5 minutes to read a couple of pages in a book, or taking an extra 10 minutes in the shower or bath.
Don’t wait until you burnout to take care of yourself. Take that step now, no matter how small it might seem!
Researcher|Operations Manager
4 年Personally, I enjoy my museum time by own :)