5 AM and the law of attraction [Week-5]
Years ago, I read a book called “The Secret” which I left after completing just one chapter of it because I felt it to be a little impractical. But one thing I sure remembered was the law of attraction. I actually noticed it happening with me this past week.
According to the law of attraction:
Everything that’s coming into your life, you are attracting into your life. And it’s attracted to you by the virtue of the images you’re holding in your mind. It’s what you are thinking. Whatever is going on in your mind, you are attracting it to you.
In my journey of beginning with following the 5 AM club, the sky was not all rainbows in the starting. I had to put on effort, work on a lot of my shortcomings and a great deal of my mindset to work towards attaining something that moves towards world-class. The only job I assigned myself was to not sit idle and keep being productive. Be it learning from tutorials, coding, watching any informative video, reading a book or a blog, cooking, gardening or etc things.
I realized that when I actually sat down and devoted a portion of my time by working towards the things that matter, I was able to attract such opportunities and a whole bunch of like-minded people who I could have good conversations with or exchange knowledge with or simply just learn. All this made this week the most knowledgeable week of my whole life.
I hate it when people keep themselves dwelled on to their sadness and wait for the positivity to come from some alienated space. We need to work and hustle for our ambitions and only when we start doing that, we’ll attract things that we need at that time and the opportunities that we wish and our health, heart, and mind will take care of itself.
Movie of this week: 2001: A space odyssey
I was spellbound after watching this mindboggling movie. Oh no! this is not a movie, this is an experience. This is one of those movies that gives you goosebumps and gets hold of you even after its completion and makes your brain go “What?”. For a person like me who loves the kind of movies that makes me think, this one was a legendary kind.
A lot of people might call it very boring and yes it is slow! very slow!! but if it had a regular pace then, I don’t think it would have been an experience. When I was watching it even I was getting bored in the middle but I feel like this is the kind of thing that the director of this movie: Stanley Kubrick was trying to emphasize. The time was something that was emphasized here and the slowness of the movie marks the essence of it. One could feel himself getting into those scenes and getting those astronaut vibes and how it unfolds. I was surprised when I saw that this movie came in the 1960s. Like wow! The graphics, the cinematography, and everything were so ahead of its time, it makes you wonder.
I didn’t really learn anything from this movie as such but I realized that we are all connected, the whole universe, our past, our future, everything!
Grateful to my friend who recommended me to watch the works of Stanley Kubrick- the legend!
This week I made a mug cake with buttercream frosting. I always knew how to bake cakes but when it came to icing, I was always like, “Shit! I don’t have heavy cream to make a nice whipped cream for the top”. So, recently, I was browsing youtube for some recipes and I came across the recipe of Buttercream frosting and I was surprised to know that it needs only 3 ingredients i.e., Softened unsalted butter, icing sugar and any flavor that we may want to add (in my case, vanilla). All you gotta do is get all your arm strength together and whisk all three of them to get some aeration into it and make it really light and fluffy. I did that and it tasted like heaven!
P.S. Caster sugar and icing sugar are not the same. Our regular sugar ground into a fine powder is caster sugar and the sugar that is used in baking with a little corn starch added into it is icing sugar. You can smell and tell the difference. Also, piping is not really cool, it is very messy.
I decided the three mottos of my life as said by Robin Sharma as well:
- Absolute personal responsibility (APR)
- Keep moving forward (KMF)
- Never stop growing (NSG)
Keep hustling, keep growing! (Listen to whatever it takes by Imagine Dragons to get super pumped up).