5 Actions you can take to live a tough life
Ankit Vasisht
Ankit Vasisht is a Motivational Storyteller, Content Creator, Writer, Podcaster and Digital Nomad.
Living a happy resilient life is within your reach.
Having a solid foundation built on the premise of living a happy life is the key ingredient to successfully navigating your way through the tough times in life.
The 5 strategies below are actions you can adopt so you can live a flourishing and resilient life where you are able to face those “tough times” in life from a position of strength and of course happiness.
1. Determine What Happiness Means to You
Happiness can only come into your life when you like who you are, and you are choosing to be the best YOU can be. Until you have attained that state of belief in you, living a happy life will be at times in your life completely out of reach.
2. Understand How Happiness Works for You
Happiness is a consequence of what we do and how we behave. Trying to make yourself think happier is not going to work; taking action and doing something different in a more a positive way is more likely to bring happiness into your life.
3. Choose to Be Around the Right People
Surround yourself with the people who reflect the person you want to be. Having positive and healthy relationships in life is the key to living a happy life. You do not want to spend any time with people who suck the happiness out of you.
4. Commit to Helping Others
Having a sense of purpose is important to having happiness in your life. In essence, the greater sense of purpose we feel, the happier we become.
5. Choose to Take Care of You – Mind Body and Spirit
A commitment to being the best person you can be is important to sustaining happiness in your life. Taking care of your body, mind and over well being is crucial to you being the happiest person you can be.
What strategies do you suggest or practice to live a happy and resilient life? I would love to know in the comments.