5 Actionable Facebook Ads Tips that Could Change Your Facebook Marketing Game

5 Actionable Facebook Ads Tips that Could Change Your Facebook Marketing Game

It’s the countdown to the Facebook Ads Virtual Summit! Get your free ticket for Jan. 24’s big event while the doors are still open!

Check out the agenda and tell us which ones you’ve blocked out your calendar for.

When we asked you what your current top challenge as a Facebook advertiser is, you said:

A: Advanced Facebook ad strategies and optimization hacks

B: How to quickly test and experiment with new ad types like lead ads or messaging ads

C: Small and local business campaign management and strategy

D: Finding new clients to service with Facebook marketing and advertising

E: Advanced ecommerce advertising strategies

F: How expensive Facebook ads have gotten in the last few years

G: Basic Facebook marketing fundamentals from audiences to insights

There are Facebook Ads Summit sessions dedicated to every issue you’re facing and more.

The very best in the field are covering all of these Facebook ads issues in detail live on Jan. 24 and I couldn’t be more excited.

But what’s a conference without free swag?

So I asked the summit speakers to share one actionable Facebook Ads tip that packs a punch.

Top 5 Facebook Ads Tips to Implement Today

Here’s what 5 of the 10 speakers scheduled to drop knowledge bombs on Jan. 24 shared as their top tip for game-changing Facebook Ads in 2019.

Larry Kim, CEO & Founder of MobileMonkey

Turn your Facebook Page fans and email database into Facebook Messenger subscribers you can send mobile push notifications to using cheap Facebook Ads.

Facebook Page reach is a donkey, and so are email open rates. You can take these lists and connect with with customers and leads in the channel with 10x engagement.

It just takes a couple of smooth moves using Facebook Ads custom audience targeting and message ads to convert your Facebook fans into Messenger contacts and your email list into a Messenger audience.

We’ve run Facebook ads with the messages objective with a CPA 95% lower than traditional objectives like traffic, engagement or conversions.

Cat Howell, CEO of Eight Loop Social & Creator of the Facebook Ads Academy

Pro Tip: While FB recommends starting ad sets with automatic placements, always keep a close eye on where the platform is actually feeding your budget into.

As more and more advertisers jump on the bandwagon, real estate is getting tighter, as a result, if your funnel and ad aren’t performing well in the auction, Facebook will likely feed your spend to placements such Audience Network and Right Hand Column, which generally speaking don’t usually result in the best traffic for top of funnel activities.

You can check where budgets are being fed in your reporting column. If you’re finding mobile or desktop is getting too expensive, try in-stream video placements (very few are using this so it has one of the lowest CPMs at the moment), and Instagram Stories.

Isaac Rudansky, CEO & Founder of AdVenture Media

My #1 tip for FB ads is for advertisers to begin embracing long form copy. Marketers are always told (without any real evidence) that short copy is always better. But that’s a lie. Short copy is most certainly not always better. Long copy can be extraordinarily effective. The entire “short copy” movement is borne from a fundamental error in predicting how people will interact with ads. We tend to ignore most ads we see, so we assume that we should cram our message into as few characters as possible, since most people don’t want to read the ad anyway.

But if we pay more attention to our own behavior, we actually give boatloads of attention to the very few things we actually care about. And we look for as much information as possible about those things. Think about the last time you made a serious purchase. Think of all the research you did, all the forums you read, all the friends you asked, all the websites you visited again and again …. Facebook offers advertisers a great advantage of Google Ads, and that’s the ability to write long form copy ads.

Last thing … long copy isn’t a panacea for bad copy. Short, bad copy is better than long, bad copy! But write long, good copy, and you’ll have a serious competitive advantage.

If you’re interested in learning about what good copy might look like, read Storybrand, and Everybody Writes.

Also, read Scientific Advertising, just because it’s so damn good.

Bob Sparkins, Lead Evangelist at Leadpages

Who you target for your Facebook ads depends in part on your stage of business.

If you’re an experienced marketer with a strong email list of customers, your audience targeting priority should be building lookalike audiences from that list of your top customers.

If you’re pretty new, and don’t have an email list of more than 100 customers, then your audience targeting priority is to build up your custom audience of website visitors through interesting content.

Virginia Nussey, Director of Content Marketing at MobileMonkey

Everyone’s talking about the rising cost of Facebook CPAs and CPMs. 122% increase in CPMs in a year is not insignificant.

There’s a big opportunity where you get 100% conversion rate and CPA of $4 per lead: Facebook ads with the messages objective.

Yes, it’s too good to be true, which means Facebook advertisers have to leverage the opportunity immediately.

How it works is, people who click the CTA button of your Facebook ad are sent to Messenger where they become a contact you can message and send follow-up marketing messaging to.

With good audience targeting, each new conversation costs $3-$5 right now. You know this won’t last forever so time is of the essence.

Be sure to attend the chatbot hacks session at the Facebook Ads Summit to learn all about how to hack Facebook ads with chatbots and build a highly engaged contact list for chat marketing using Facebook Messenger ads.

Important Next Steps

I’m very excited to get into the actionable Facebook Ad strategies and tactics that will help me up my game in 2019.

I hope you’ll join me and the 8,000 other attendees already signed up for the Facebook Ads Virtual Summit on Jan. 24!

Check out the speakers, agenda and get your free ticket today!

Originally published in Inc.com

Kartavya Agarwal

Building The Top ??% Growth Agency

4 个月

Larry, thanks for sharing!

Tiffany Leong

Community Manager | Social Media Strategy | Customer Obsessed Storyteller | Corporate Accounts | PR & Communications | Global Campaigns with +220M views | Crisis Response | Brand Trust | Voice of the User

4 年

Facebook Messenger will continue to be key for Facebook advertising 2020! I can see many product- and service-driven companies heavily benefit from using CRM and email contact lists as a way to attract their clients and customers to Facebook Messenger. It's the best way to get customers to take action and build deeper relationships with a brand. I cannot wait to see what's in store for the years to come!?

Heather Heleloa

Data-Driven Strategist | MarCom | Sales | Events

4 年

Isaac's point about long copy was an eye opener! I hadn't realized that I believed the idea of "short copy is best" - I can't even recall why I thought that, or why I hadn't reconsidered the alternative. Thanks for all of these tips!

Marisa L.

Senior Digital Strategist | Account Director | Purpose-Driven Behaviour Change | Community & Stakeholder Engagement | Crisis Management

5 年

Facebook fans into messenger contacts what a dream come true. Interesting point from Isaac Rudansky about long copy. I just posted a FB Ad and when it came to the copy FB suggested I shorten what I had written. Thanks for the article Larry Kim



