5 Achievable Career Goals For 2023

5 Achievable Career Goals For 2023

It’s been a willdddd year!

So many people have pivoted into new roles and new industries. Professionals all over the world are taking a stand for themselves and putting their mental health first. They’re leaving jobs that simply don’t work for them (#peaceout) and finding new opportunities to propel their careers forward lightyears. That’s what makes 2023 such an amazing opportunity to keep up the momentum!

With the holidays in full swing and that blistery cold weather upon us (or, for many, already hitting hard), December is usually a time when we all slow down. So why not take a minute to reflect on the year we’ve had while setting ourselves up for success in the year ahead???

What’s the one big thing you hear about as we approach a new year? Resolutions.?

What do I think about them? Not for me.?

Hear me out! If you are the kind of person who makes resolutions and then actually achieves them in the same year, I’m your biggest fan.?

But for so many others resolutions are more of a burden than a motivator. We shoot for unrealistic, major lifestyle changes that rarely stick. So, instead of those rarely-achieved resolutions, why not set small, actionable goals, especially when it comes to your career? These smaller goals can help you work towards those bigger lofty ones.?

Take me for example.

A big 2023 goal of mine is to continue to get new clients on both the recruitment and coaching side of my business, while also building a bigger MHM community. I also want to get more exposure for my Pivot with Purpose podcast with in-person events and a podcast tour!

Exciting stuff!?

But my smaller goals? They are things that will help me get there, like:?

  • Building better rituals and habits?
  • Prioritizing rest above tasks that are not a priority?
  • And leaving some time to reflect on all of the amazing things I’ve accomplished this year?

What about you? Are you ready to make 2023 your best professional year yet?

Here are some exciting and down-right valuable goals to help you start the year off on the right foot.

Learn a new skill or get certified for the ones you have.??

This can take time, patience, and even a little bit of cash but learning a new skill or acquiring a new certification can lead to opportunities for career advancement and helps enhance your skills. Plus, showing that you are open to learning new things is a good look when it comes to showing employers that you value commitment to your career and what you can offer their company.?

Some ways you can do this include:?

  • Learning a foreign language?
  • Learning some basic coding and programming skills?
  • Gaining some knowledge around social media and digital marketing?
  • Using LinkedIn certifications to showcase your skills right on your profile and add value (not just substance!)?

Read one career-related book a quarter

No matter your job, I can assure you that there is some kind of content out there for you to digest. But a career-related book (or some kind of self-help book) can help you improve your performance and overall outlook.?

Listen, we all have experienced stress and burnout this year. Figuring out how to manage it all helps give your personal habits an overhaul that translates into a better work/life balance.?

Here are some of my personal favorites:?

Make networking a priority?

Whether it’s creating one new professional networking connection each month, joining one professional organization, or simply attending one professional networking event each quarter, you just need to get started.?

If you need some help, check out my Pivot with Purpose podcast episode with Kristy Hurt, an HR Consultant and Creator of the Professional Networking Group, The Co-Lab. We discuss the importance of networking with a purpose, asking for what you want, and why building relationships is the key to your career success!?

Start digesting more professional content

We all love binging shows like The Bachelor and [show] to give our brains, well.. a much-needed break. Try checking out some professional podcasts and blogs or signing up for a newsletter within your industry.

Here are some podcasts I am LOVING right now:?

Get a career clarity & confidence coach!

As you approach the new year, I want you to ask yourself some questions:?

  1. Are you struggling to navigate your next career move due to a lack of confidence in how you market yourself for a new opportunity or a major life pivot?
  2. Are you finding it difficult to move forward with your goals because you are sitting in overwhelm and doubt?
  3. Are you having trouble selling yourself or your services because you are unsure of how to clearly articulate your value in the most authentic way?
  4. Are you an executive leader looking to improve your team communication style and build better working environments?

If you answered yes to any of these questions, we gotta chat!?

I can help you gain the clarity you’re looking for to land your dream career, make that job pivot, or get that promotion. I will work with you to break through those struggles and challenges to align actionable steps to meet all your goals at whatever stage you are in, allowing for a more authentic pivot to your ultimate purpose. Click here to get started!?

So the next time you think about 2023, don’t get anxious about all of the things you HAVE to accomplish.

Let’s set ourselves up for our best year yet!??


Meghan Houle, ACC的更多文章
