5-4-3-2-1!  BE THE FIRST to LEAP in 2020!

5-4-3-2-1! BE THE FIRST to LEAP in 2020!

4-3-2-1! Final Donation Opportunity for 2019 OR BE THE FIRST to LEAP in 2020! 

HELLO EVERYONE! Thanks for your SUPPORT in 2019! Beauty becomes you!

As a Founder with a vision, I love to say this, "We've made it another year!" I recently heard that most small charities don't make it past more than 3-5 years. Well, Beauty Becomes You is starting our 14th year! What we've done is GREAT & IN thanks to many~

And NOW THE FUTURE WE'VE BEEN WAITING FOR IS HERE! $65 million for 65 million!

THIS IS IT! THE YEAR WE LEAP AHEAD AND BECOME A TRUE SERVICE ENTITY that is fully funded and sponsored completely to serve the millions of families who need our services to remind them THEY ARE WORTH IT! 

Is Beauty as important as water, food or medicine? It is if it inspires people to take their medications properly, eat the food they have and yes, drink enough fluids. All of these are strongly influenced when people feel they are important enough ~ or NOT. This is a Beauty and Wellness initiative and we are looking for support from both of these industries & others who care about the quality of life ~ life long!

It may seem lofty but, I have always planned to serve millions... The Plan is $65 MILLION for 65 million~ by 2025 when that many people will be over 65 and our services will be embraced for the value they provide.

We are almost to count down to our NEW YEAR ... I want to THANK ALL OF YOU WHO HAVE DONATED TO HELP BEAUTY BECOMES YOU SERVE OVER 300 PEOPLE THIS YEAR on less than $17,000 raised! As you can see for less than the price of a mani-pedi you might get ~ we provided HEALTHY massage, hair cuts, and care, skincare, manicures and pedicures and A GREAT DEAL OF HAPPINESS leading to much healthier outlooks & behaviors. We've changed the way people look at themselves! And we introduced hundreds of professionals to the opportunity to touch their communities in a most meaningful way. Caregivers and Senior adults alike~ WE ARE TOUCHING LIVES! 

I want to start this year ~2020~ with a CLEAR Vision for all of our supporters

~ First I want to clarify THE WAYS we serve. 

You may think that we ONLY provide our help through the occasional pop-up SPA, A Day of Timeless Beauty program here in Atlanta or else where. But, there's much more!

To be sure you understand fully how we help~ below are two recent requests we have fulfilled in the past two weeks!

As you'll see these are NOT in Atlanta and NOT even in Georgia. And the reason I am sharing these is that they directly point to our NEXT generation of SERVICE ~ With your HELP and sponsorship~ starting in 2020~ The Beauty Becomes You APP! It will help us connect those in need with those who SERVE on behalf of BBY. Providing services IMMEDIATELY and on-going. A zip code to zip code offer will be available & that's where we need your support for this endeavor to succeed. A training program in Geriatric Aesthetics will accompany this initiative.


1) $$ THE OBVIOUS WAY - We are determining the overall costs related to our APP project now. And Marketing is obviously a part of this PLAN!

If you run a conference, have a Beauty School or Beauty or Wellness Company, or have multiple outlets to professionals in our industry or you are a marketing company looking for a Social Good initiative ~ YES! we'd love to partner with YOU!

2) Volunteer! We are always looking for Beauty and Wellness professionals to join us in our mission to Touch the World! Join us today through www.BeautyBecomesYou.org!

3) Become a supporter who SPREADS THE WORD! You can do this by using the saying, "Beauty becomes you?." when you give a compliment or say Thank you. Use it as the quote at the end of your signature or other - it is Trademarked so PLEASE add the ??. My father said it to me just before he died. That's how it came in to being. It's endearing and it means to me, It's the things you do for others that make YOU beautiful!

3) Be a WORKING BOARD MEMBER- Beauty Becomes You is a SERVICE ORGANIZATION AND is looking for those who know they have a servants HEART and wants to equal it through their ACTIONS! We only have a couple of openings.

4) Be An Advocate for Aging! AGING is now an industry and we are ALL affected in many ways. Caregivers and Senior Adults are our focus at BBY so we cover a diverse group of ages! As for the conditions we see, we care for those who have vision challenges, hearing loss, are living with chronic disease, mental illness (depression, Alzheimer's dementia), Cancer, Arthritis, ALS, Parkinson's, we also support those in Hospice Care- I think you get it now…

We are NOT JUST about giving a nice hair cut or looking good for the day we INSPIRE PEOPLE TO LIVE THEIR BEST LIVES EVERY DAY! Our services are local and serve communities in a variety of ways, here are just two.

Story 1: An email for Assistance: West Chester, PA ~ SOLVED

I am impressed by the benefit you claim, "We are proudly based in Atlanta, Georgia and our programs reach nationwide"; that too, "Often seniors have skin, hair and nail concerns which are easily compromised through denial of their presence and can be exacerbated by medical conditions, medications and lack of proper care.

Services performed by professionals and students range from massage therapy, hair, nail, and skincare to more therapeutic interventions such as gentle foot care for Diabetics.

I am interested for 87-year-old grandmother, who resides at home in West Chester, PA (19382), suffering from Essential Tremor, and is in desperate need of the psychological and physiological relief through massage therapy, as well maybe a nice experience for her nail care (she does not use any cosmetic products or anything). I will appreciate it if you could let us know at your earliest convenience as to how your program may benefit us. Thank you. Best Regards, Priya

Story 2: Cincinnati, OH~ IN PROCESS

Where do you all provide services to? I am an administrator of an assisted living in Cincinnati, OH looking for a new beautician to provide services once a week to our residents. Thank you, Ross 


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