4th Quarter - Put Your Fingers Up
Michael White
Force Multiplier - Driven to Connect People, Create Content, Build Win-Win Relationships. Mortgage Pro, Team Builder, Champion for Passionate People
I'm a proud Marine CIty High School alumnus football player coached by Michigan Hall of Famers Bob Staskiewicz and Tony Scarcelli. Two different leaders that instilled great value in working hard, having discipline and working on an effective team. They instituted the rule that when the 3rd quarter of the game ended, all players raise their four fingers to signify the beginning of the 4th quarter and to finish strong.
Today, the practice is almost universal in high school and collegiate football. NOT sure who started the trend but it serves as an internal motivator for players. We're in October and the 4th quarter is upon us. Whatever you wanted to accomplish in 2024 - the clock is ticking. Pressure makes diamonds so don't wilt.
What were your 2024 goals?? Who were you building with and where are you now?? The fourth quarter (Q4) is a busy time for many businesses. Often, it's the most important quarter of the year for sales and profits and we see great spending. This activity should spur you into action.
How do you accelerate generating results?
Consider that a committed professional has to evaluate what's SO versus what they want. We can break this down into two categories SO you can formulate WHAT you can do AND with whom. Having a MAP (Monthly Action Plan) can help you to drive results in the 4th quarter and position for improvement in 2025.
?Self evaluation -
Consider the FIVE STARE RATING SYSTEM as you grade yourself and your business contacts out.
TOP areas of evaluation include:
October: Grade out contacts - KNOW your numbers
November: Reset expectations and Goal share with your STAR contacts
December: Game plan for the 1st quarter
Business is YOU versus you. You are the architect of your results, the owner of relationships and you get to choose WHO to build with and explore options. 2025 is coming quickly and if you want new results, you have to keep doing what's working and eliminate what is NOT.
Finish strong!