4th Knowledge Workshop organized by KAMP on "Robo Wizards" with Ms Roopali Bhragudev
Knowledge and Awareness Mapping Platform
A Knowledge Alliance of CSIR-National Institute of Science Communication and Policy Research (CSIR-NIScPR) & NCPL
On 9th June 2022, KAMP conducted a particular “#Robo Wizards” #workshop by Ms Roopali Bhragudev . She has been working on numerous #webinars across #India on stem #education and new trending #technologies that will be helpful for #students shortly. She has also contributed as a #contentdeveloper for various books and published a few papers in #international #journals. Currently, she is working as an #applicationengineer at #STEMROBO technologies.
STEMROBO Technologies is an #IndianEducationalTechnology company, focused on designing and making #InnovativeElectronicDevices, #Software, and #methodologies around #STEAM, #Robotics, #CS, #IoT & #AI for the K-12 segment. STEMROBO has successfully helped more than half a million students across 40+ Countries through #Tinkering & #Innovation platforms and 2000+ #schools across #panindia by setting up #ATL, #Tinker and #Innovation #Labs, and #Robotics #Labs which are running successfully.
In this unique workshop, Ms Rupali engaged students by #teaching them how to learn about #electronic #components in a fun and #interactive manner. First, the students were introduced to what #electronics is all about, and how it can be used to make our daily tasks easier.
The students were then presented with an #analogy compared to #humanbeings and #robots to explain to #students how #STA as in #Sense, #Think and #Act works. As human beings we all have sense organs that allow us to sense the information from the #environment, the #information is then #perceived by our brain, enabling us to think and then control our actions accordingly. Similarly, in robots, there are sensors involved that allow them to receive information, and in some cases think also (especially in the case of AI) and then respond accordingly.
Just like we have #Alexa at home, it allows us to do various tasks just with our voice commands. It receives the information and responds accordingly. It all happens through #ArtificialIntelligence. Well, in many cases it is not that easy to get the desired response from the #robots, we need to #train them to #achieve all these tasks. To do so, we need the proper #hardware and #software that can be #programmed to make them run efficiently. Without the appropriate hardware or software, our robot is more likely to be stuck.
Apart from #developing or #training, we can also update our #robots, just like we update our smartphones. It is totally up to us, as to how we want to update or make our robot useful, easier, or even more compatible so that each and everything is sorted in our daily life.
Coming towards the end of the session, Ms Roopali mentioned that for our design to be successful, we would need a better understanding of #robotics, #artificialintelligence, #deeplearning, #machinelearning, #coding, etc. She showed various projects such as #ArduinoColorSorter, #ArduinorobotCar, #ArduinoRobotCar #WirelessControl, #DIYWendingMachine, #ArduinoGameProject, #ArduinoRadar (Sonar), #ArduinoLEDMatrixAlarmSystem, and last but not least #ArduinoMusicPlayer & #Alarmclock with #TouchScreen.
With such examples, she guided students on how they can convert simple fun activities into #projectbasedlearning. The students can try around with different types of conductors, make different things, and test their #effectiveness. This would result in them using their #creativity as well as #enhancing their #learning more about the things they are #experimenting with.
Organized By:
Knowledge and Awareness Mapping Platform (KAMP Operations and Coordination Office)
Moderated By:
Ms Arika Mathur (Convener KAMP and Member KPMC)
Workshop Partner:
STEMROBO An ISO 9001:2015 Certified Company
Team Credits:
Mr AMIT KUMAR SHUKLA (Head-Capacity Building Group, KAMP)
Ms Vishakha Gola (Sr. Coordinator KAMP)