4G/5G Mobile Technology in Brasil [The Big Joke]
In a few lines, straight to the point:
1) If we DO NOT have mobiles, tablets, and laptops with 5G wifi cards, why are we being trapped by 5G?
2) How can we ensure that at least there is a 5G available on my internet service if I CAN NOT double check?
* I have two services to work the first one is not optic fiber, and the second node "is optic fiber", both 5G (I don't bet on that);
* I spent a few hours distributed on the last days trying to balance 2.4G and 5G over the non-fiber modem service, no way...
* Also the same effort for the second one 'fiber' which is worst than other, the modem is convenient "full of low resources" which just give us nothing beyond the basics operations (it is a shame, at least);
In my case, exactly like another thousand million citizens, I use the service provided by Claro Brasil and can sign some features just below:
1) Pay for mobile services not required and not accepted;
2) Pay for tv channels never asked before, just like mobile services;
3) Instead of being billed for ~U$20.00 until I verify my invoices I've paid some values closer to U$30.00, U$35.00, U$40.00, and the last invoice (2022-05) was U$50.00. Facing this value, I just stop to check the bills and for sure catch all overpriced.
Just to enforce the telecom companies remain using all trash outdated types of equipment from USA and Europe to serve us this kind of peace of technologies.
Until 15th years ago the Anatel - Agência Nacional de Telecomunica??es company uses to work with a focus to serve the citizens, unfortunately, from the latest years, we can't feel the same proposal.
Here in Brasil, we face the most expensive telecom around the world to taste the biggest trash, trap, and thieves services.
I thought they (the companies) would be shy to have been acting like that dishonor behavior and any respect for us.
#godblessamerica #godsavethequeen #godsafebrasil #telecom #mobiletechnology #norespect #fake4g #thievesandliers #fake5g #fakeservices #faketechnologies #fakefrequencies #fakeupload #fakedownload #brasilians #crashtestdummies