by Dana Cavalea April 15, 2018


Hey Team-

Hope you guys had a great weekend!

I know that I did...relaxing...

Last week was a really great week of training for me, doing my cardio, lifting, and core 6-Days in a row.. and for the first time in a while, Sunday was a total off-day.

Sleeping in, resting, relaxing, watching Donnie Brasco and just taking a guilt-free personal day.. amazing feeling when you can be proud of the work you put in ... and celebrate the victory...

As part of the weekend, my wife and I always do a Soul Cycle class together on Saturdays to have a bit of fun and exercise together... and on Sunday, we usually try to get outside a bit...

Since it was a cold Sunday, we headed over to Barnes & Nobles... 

I never knew I could be so OVER-STIMULATEDin a bookstore.

Every section is over-filled with conflicting books on every topic... from health to exercise to nutrition to finance to how to develop yourself as a person...

I can not help but sit back and wonder.. is this helping folks? or is it just creating mass confusion.. leaving the consumer too much to their own devices to make decisions on topics/ learning that is too opinion based.... rather than following the counsel of legitimate research cross references with practical research?...

Now, this can be seen as a "rant".. which it is.. but only in the attempt to help simplify things..

For example, I was doing some reading the other day and one "expert" says, If you want to have success, you must be awake by 4:30am.. that is what successful people do.. 

Now is that really true? 

Personally, I know many 1% earners that awaken between 7am and 9am... 

Top Athletes who wake between 10am and 11:30am...

I have a problem with absolutes when you are dealing with something as dynamic as human beings and the human body. One of the most unique, individualized, and dynamic bodies/ minds out there...

How could we possibly approach each person the same?

My philosophy is based on INDIVIDUALIZATION.. each person needs to be approached from all standpoints of life and performance as an individual...

That what I always do with my athletes and business leaders...

Reminder: As great as information is, it can also create over-analysis, paralysis, self-doubt and confusion.. 

What if we could break things down to its most simple level? I believe people would take more action, think less, and accomplish more without feeling unprepared if they just simplified things down to basics.. for example:

Health: Exercise everyday, Eat Clean, Sleep 7-10hrs each Night, Blood Analysis yearly, no smoking, minimal alcohol, little sugar and fat.

Mindset: Think positive, Believe in yourself, Rid your life of negative people and things that cause you angst...Stress it the result of focusing on things that have not happened yet... or may never happen... and placing too much attention on yourself..rather than helping/giving to others...

Diet: More Calories OUT than Calories IN, Fish and Lean Meats, Lots of Veggies and Fruits, minimal starch carbs, breads, muffins, pastas..Drink water, no soda or juice... Less Ingredients = More Health.. If it was not around 100 years ago, you should restrict it today.. (Ex. packaged food

Finance: Don't spend more than you make, save at least 10-30% of your pay check, plan for the future over living for today...forget the Jones'.. they are miserable anyway...

Now.. simplification makes comprehension and retention easier...

Am I not an advocate of education and personal development?

I totally am...

But, having Coached people of all levels for years.. I have found that people do not need more information, they need information that is especially relevant to them and their exact situation/ problems/ needs..

They need tools on how to overcome and deal with the things they deal with...

They need coaching and accountability to win...

That would be like Derek Jeter reading a book on hitting and expecting him to get out of slump because of the information... 

He needs a Coach to tweak his ACTIONS (Swinging)... and to simplify a racing mind which usually happens during slumps... (coaching + action = success).. even self coaching works once you have to tools!

SO.. My question to you is.. Where do you complicate things in your life? Where are you not taking action because you feel you are not ready? Not prepared? Not there yet? 

Take action and do things according to who YOU are... 

Stop looking for the right "Way" and let the TAKING ACTION strategy guide you!



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